TBC era Server please

Seeing so many discussions about TBC ERA brings me so much joy and a shine of light into what could actually be one of the most exciting additions for Classic WOW fans everywhere.

YES, I will definitely be supporting this, I only got to play an orc hunter in TBC and now I have so many chars and roles I want to play, on one hand.

And on the other hand I never got to experience the end game raiding content due to lack of free time.

So YES, bring back TBC !!!



I also want TBC


Yes please <3


I miss Karazhan. Viva la TBC!


YES! We need a new tbc classic server


Would absolutely love this.


Me too! We need TBC era servers Blizz!


Give us some TBC <3


It will have 5k people at most :joy:

So what?

If you don’t like it, don’t play on it it’s that simple. It won’t affect you in any way.

There’s Classic Era servers online right now that literally have less than 50 players, 5,000 players seems fairly decent in comparison.

It doesnt matter what i want or what you like or what anybody likes if it makes money blizzard will do it, but tbc and wotlk doesnt have enough players for blizzard to even consider doing that,that is why they are re relising only classic era hardcore and even that is dead.

Hard Core is nothing compared to TBC / Wrath in the terms of popularity…


It feels like I’ve gone back in time to around 2011 and am getting a repeat of the ‘wall of no’ posts that appeared every time someone requested classic realms.

Same arguments - not profitable, nobody will play on them etc. I’m almost expecting a ‘Blizzard said they are only interested in moving forward’ comment to appear next, for some real nostalgia.

But the ‘wall of no’ people were proved utterly, fundamentally and completely wrong, and I suspect the ‘wall of no-TBC’’ people would also be proved wrong. There’s a heck of a lot of people out there who will not play Cataclysm but don’t want to play forever on Classic Era.


Dont expect much from retail players. Vanilla and TBC were the best for me and I´m sure for many more as well.


I don’t know about that.

But I’m confident that there’s enough of them to keep up one TBC PvE and one TBC PvP realm.


They never gave Crusade players the option to stay behind as they did Classic characters
Let’s assume they release the servers
Will they…

  • Let Classic ‘Era’ characters have the option to evolve to Crusade, as they offered the first time around ?
  • Let Classic Cataclysm characters be copied (or migrate?) to Crusade where you keep your items though any thing that was introduced with Wrath and beyond is removed, and a gold cap is set)
    Thus would only apply to characters made during or before Crusade

I pose this question as there’s probably a lot of Classic players that in a way want to ‘go back’ and play it with their original Classic character (or some version of it) as opposed to starting over.

Actually I think the majority favors a fresh start (and no boosts being sold).

Though I wouldn’t really care. My TBC chars from 2022 are untouched and never once went to Northend.

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Yes please.


Let’s make it happeeeeeeeeen


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