TBC - faction change

I’d love it if they did transfers rather than fresh.

I have no intention of playing my Classic Paladin otherwise.

You cried “NoChanges” for years, so we will all have a #NoChanges TBC.

If tbc comes with a fraction change there will be no alliance left at all.

Crash can’t argue without memes, you should see him on the server discord. Stupid idea btw

Mayhaps they’re graceful elves on the inside… actually I doubt it.

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No. Enough.

Add faction change so the servers can be even more unbalanced? errm, no thanks…

I do love how people only talk about Alliance being outnumbered. I know we’re in the minority overall, but PvE realms exists as well and there, the Horde is vastly outnumbered.

Saying the transfers should only be Horde -> Alliance is pretty narrow minded. I for one would welcome faction transfers in TBC despite them being introduce in WotLK back in retail in 2009 or so. It would mean I could prep for TBC as soon as it’s introduce, give me something to work for, if I so desired it, if I wished to reroll to the previous unavailable class of my faction in vanilla (horde pala / alliance shaman).

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Defensive? Im Sorry what?
Clearly I hurt him by making this post.
@ Laika go back to the cave you came out of lidl :snake:

I’d vote for a 1 time faction change option but only for 2 specific cases.

  1. An alliance paladin being offered a faction change to a blood elf.
  2. A horde shaman being offered a Draenei.

Besides that it’s a no until wrath and even then I think it should be a no.


Did you just assume our weight?! #FatPeopleMatterToo

no thanks jeff.
lock this already

Faction change is not just against the spirit of vanilla, it is against the spirit of the GAME.
Not by coincidence this was only introduced at a time when Blizzard had lost all interest in making a good game. It marks the age of the money grabbing, and TRH would follow soonly.

TBH i would also like to switch faction/race at some point you can server transfer already and if your name is taken it includes a namechange. So what’s the problem? If your worried about people getting away from bad rep. Well they’d have to get a new Discord Account on top of every change ingame. That’s a whole lot of effo rt . Classic is a game for social people. I don’t think any of these changes like race change/faction change would ruin the social aspect that we love and enjoy in classic.

Here is what i wrote above:

I think it’s important that the choices we make while creating our character have actual value and can’t be changed.

It adds value in the form of accountability and a sense of meaning. Your name and character is your name and character. Your character is an actual thing that has some sort of meaning.

It’s my opinion on the matter that I am sharing on this forum. That’s all. We don’t have do agree on everything.

Spirit of the game?
How come it came with wotlk then? It’d be in earlier if they had the programming for it.

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