So, who else is only here for TBC? Are/have you rolled any chars specifically just to sit and wait for TBC?
Personally I’ve rolled a feral just for tbc as I feel like it’s great fun to play in TBC but pretty awful in Classic Vanilla. Feels like a world of difference between the two. Now that I’ve got it to 60, I have really no desire to play it until TBC.
Not hyped to do any of the raid content again before that, vanilla raids just feel like a chore after doing them so, so many times. Or maybe I could suffer through AV for a couple of months to get rank 14, only to join probably 70% of players who also get the title now that its “easy”. Bleh.
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Siiick Man you are very unique.
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How do you do fellow kids TBC waiters.
I am about half-way done with my Winterspring Frostsaber farm, then it’s AV to r14 and then straight to raid-log town until prepatch. I may level a transmuter/spellcloth char in prepatch, but not sold on it yet, vanilla leveling is 
Yes, I have rolled 5 characters only to reserve the names I wanted for TBC on the HC server (Soulseeker). I am however not just waiting. I am playing Era Hardcore.
But, and this is a big but, if the HC Anniversary will not progress into TBC, I am just going to delete the 5 characters and stay in Era.
So waiting, but conditionally so.
It wont progress to tbc. thats atleast what they officialy said
They also said they were open for suggestions, so no harm in keeping on asking.
If TBC wasn’t announced ,i would most likely stop playing. Been here for a while, nothing more to see, but unfortunatelly i’m sucker for TBC so kinda it’s my carrot on a stick to keep playing. Mostly focusing on getting some gold to not go there bare handed and raid logging to keep spot in the guild for TBC.
But yea, TBC should not be gated by Classic , we already had transition few years ago, why again?