TBC warriors

That’s a good point and it will be really interesting to see. That could be a nice niche for the spec. Them along with ferals and enh shams for some turbo would be fun to see tbh.

Prince Malchezaar doesn’t favor melee or ranged, it all depends on how the infernals land.

Just look at some tbc logs from private servers Like legacyplayers while they don’t do as much damage as a warlock as they are kings of the expansion they are far from being bad they are middle of the road in terms of damage you can out DPS most classes with gear.

That being said some bosses are not melee friendly that you lose uptime dealing with mechanics while ranged classes can still do damage but when on a boss your damage is good bear in mind you will be using slam alot if arms so you have to try alot harder to do good damage Unless there is a new meta build.

In dungeons back in original I remember having a full PvP arms warrior join my heroic dungeon and he absolutely slaughtered the mobs with the aoe/cleave damage took like 15 mins for the entire steam vaults and his damage wasn’t far off the warglavied rogue.

Depending on your guild alot of warriors will get pidgeoned into tanking as going from 40 man raids to 10 man raids guilds have to get alot more tanks and healers and less DPSers as well as making room for paladins horde and shamans on Allience.

You’re forgetting the entire reason it’s melee unfriendly, Enfeeble which reduces player health to 1, after which he casts shadow nova. Melee have to run out from this or they will die, ranged can outrange shadow nova entirely and continue to dps.

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