What did you most like about other expansions that no longer exist in this one?
I’m feeling like I’ve been way too neggo over this expac lately but I think part of it is from the removal of so much interesting content over the years.
I genuinely want to know what you guys & girls think should be brought back into the game. Who knows, perhaps Blizz might update it and bring it into coming patches.
For me, I miss the multitude of enchants & gemming, the use of professions for a variety of upgrades and racial abilities along with working towards reputations to get a cool enchant or mount from a vendor.
pointless nostalgia or something threads spam most be stopped
The game being an actual MMORPG
I liked artifacts a lot and wish they improved it expansion to expansion, patch to patch, instead of replacing them with other borrowed power systems.
At that point, would it really be borrowed power if you get to keep the weapons, or at least the system? Id argue it would be more of a progression system. Like cp in eso, but better.
Also reforging, and i wish they dealt with titanforge in another way. Instead give us both titan and valor, titan would be capped to 25 ilvls higher, and valor could upgrade your gear to the same level. This way getting a non titanforge would not suck, and you have something to make your gear more powerful, which is pretty cool.
Easy; parmanent infernal for the Warlocks
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I actually really like this idea with the artifact weapons
This would be fantastic to have been built upon over the years.
TBC: Raiding.
WotLK: Achievements.
Cata: LFR.
MoP: Solo content.
WoD: Tanaan Jungle stuff.
Legion: All forms of questing content.
BfA: Warmode during Faction Assaults.
That’s what immediately pops into my head when I think about it.
Small improvements over time, second rank for golden traits, more traits, there are already examples of things they could have added in the artifact system.
Like the outlaw rogue trait where when you use ambush or dispatch you have a chance to get a roll the bones perk that you do not already have. There are more, but it clearely shows that blizzard is not out of ideas, the problem is that you gain and lose. So in the end you don’t really feel stronger, you are just trading one system for another, and in the end actually feel usually weaker to be honest, artifacts were more impactful than azerite, and azerite was more impactful than covenants.
Also, account wide ap would have completely solved the spec and alting issue.
I really hope they do reconsider artifacts, because i think it would be super cool.
So far out of the 3 borrowed power systems only artifacts did pay off well.
Don;t fix what’s not broken, there was no need to make a new system each expansion, no one asked for it. The problem also is that what if you don’t get it right the second time? It’s just a lot of trouble for no benefit, just make a progression system and tune it properly, improve rather than remake, much better.
My entire spec.
I used to have a resource system (Chi) and spells that worked around generating it (Chi brew) and spending it (Mana tea) correctly which felt very gratifying.
I used to have stances that I could swap freely, one for healing, one for combat.
I used to have a melee interrupt to bring some utility to my team.
I used to have ways to survive stuns, thanks to nimble brew and cocoon while stunned.
It’s all gone now.
Thanks, Legion.
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I would posit that system continuity from Expansion to Expansion is fuel enough for many to be unhappy, as it is.
Some Expansion systems are what made THAT expansion what it is/was… prolonged continuity would cheapen their inception.
One system that I think is underrated is Timewalking - a brief nostalgia trip to past content without dwelling on it too long that the ‘nostalgia aspect’ gets stale.
Where I think some ‘ideas’ fall over is comparisons to other games that should be ingested into WoW, but “tweaked/improved” - why not lobby that games’ developers to improve the system in THAT game? I did try Rift™ not long after its release but all I ‘felt’ was “this is too much like/not different enough from WoW”; the graphical aesthetic was better, but it wasn’t ‘better enough’ to replace WoW - I quit Rift™ & never went back.
I honestly do not see what meaning Artifact Weapons have in (currently) an Expansion based on the afterlife…
They can be transmog’d over your current Weapon(s) if the aesthetic appeal is what you’re after.
The concept that Azeroth’s shared power we amassed in BfA being ‘of no use to us’ in the afterlife can’t have been lost, either… surely?
I miss a foe that feels worth my time. Every expansion so far (even classic) had villains that felt worth it but so far the Jailer just doesn’t feel all that threatening and his story so far hasn’t really piqued my interest either.
They keep telling me what’s happening to the Shadowlands is bad but really I’m like… what do I care?!
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“Too sooon…!”
We’ve barely reached the end of “the first quarter” in Shadowlands & the full story has yet to be unveiled… it would be like buying a book & reading the last page/chapter to know what The Jailers’ true/full intention was at this point.
It’s been 6 months in OUR time though… how much longer are we going to have to wait before he becomes interesting?
I don’t need to know all his intentions but compared to other threats he seems lackluster.
So that’s what I miss or enjoyed from other expansions a compelling villain.
I miss good class design, even if it sometimes ended up with a bit of bloat I miss the days where what buttons I pressed was just as important as when I pressed my buttons.
Also piggybacking off Nagrash, a worthy foe. It feels like the severity just keeps going up but I can’t feel it. I knew ragnaros was a sumbich, Illidan and archimonde, LK & deathwing and hell even Garrosh but since then it’s gotten increasingly GOT season 8 where it’s taken to the next level but I find it difficult to engage or care about it.
-Pre legion class design
-Gear reforging
-Actual pvp and Pve vendors/currencies
-More character customisation thorough professions
Which Expansion end-Bosses have been the level of ‘draw’ that The Jailer has failed to match, to date? Are his antics in the 9.1 cinematic not enticing enough to ‘keep you waiting’ or did you see that coming before Shadowlands went live?
Many would offer The Lich King as an example of “can’t wait to give HIM (appropriate pronoun for end-Boss you want to offer) a kicking…!”, but to me they’ve all had relatively equal build up for the content they were in.
they worked on extraplanetary threats, they might work on extraplanar threats too.