Tell me what you enjoyed the most

Irrespective of how it’s made available, I would say that many that cite this have been spoilt by other games & should NOT want that copied/replicated by another game to make WoW more like a game that you still have a tangible connection to… keep what you like in any game IN that game, or every game you play will end up being exactly the same (how tedious!).

They were part of what made Legion “Legion” to me… nothing more.

So far for me personally every single end-boss exceeds whatever draw The Jailer has, by far. But if you dig him that’s cool, wish I did.

Not before no, but having Anduin become his servant was pretty obvious while playing, yes.

cool lore characters, most of them have been killed off at this point.

My intrigue, from that, is the anticipation of how Anduin overcomes that…
We don’t even know 100% that The Jailer IS going to be the Expansion end Boss - it’s likely, but twists aren’t to be ruled out; it wasn’t wrong to think that Azshara could have been the final Expansion Boss in BfA, but there was enough seeds thrown about to hint that ‘another’ was. The seeds of intrigue in Shadowlands may not be so readily found.

I don’t think we’ll see the total demise of Sylvanas in the 9.1 Raid - neither do I see her redemption - but I see that her story will run for most of, if not the entire Expansion.

Yeah it’ll definitely be interesting to see what will happen to Anduin. I’m thinking Sylvanas will be the one to save him, or atleast be instrumental in his return. Though I doubt she’ll be redeemed or anything but she’s been acting weird around him so it wouldn’t surprise me.

I hope they won’t just kill her off and that’ll be the end of that story.

Despite being ‘heavily invested in the Alliance’, I can see a twist where Sylvanas & Tyrande face off & that Sylvanas pulls a “told you so” to justify Teldrassil when Tyrande fully succumbs to The Night Warrior and pleads to be ‘released’… even Ysera having a hand in it, too.

Skill beeing more important than gear.

Nowadays someone with around 200 ilvl has no way to compete with someone who’s wearing 220 gear, because the stat difference alone can’t be bridged by skill.

Even between the different difficulty lvls of the same raid stats simply explode. Back in WotlK, you could easily skip a raid tier and go Trial of the Crusader in Naxx25 gear if you at least could play your class. Something like that is unthinkable today.

Makes you feel worthless as a player, gear decides everything, so if you want to compete, you are forced to raid / do m+, else you are simply trash.

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Cata-playing with irl friends, farming achievements…exploring the magic of the retail for the first time.

Mop-pvp …arms war design…cutting edge raiding.

Wod- end of expansion rolling shadow priest and falling in love with it.

Legion - pugging hc raids, pvp world quests

Bfa - pvp in general, nazjatar world pvp between new home and mezzamere.

It’s funny because people min/max more than ever yet we’ve had so much of it taken away.

the original scholo deathbone set first
now we get only one chest from blood furnace dungeon quest
and think leggings of resolute defender have same look
what i dont like:
that you cant share the tmog from the pandaria str cloak if first acc was perma ban

and obviously event boxes giving conquest from ashran it was removed since BFA

Content progression from tbc
Mounts from wotlk (mimirons, tlpd, invincible)
Raids from mop and wod
Artifact weapons from legion
Essences from bfa
Nothing from sl

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I enjoyed a lot of things that are no longer here sadly.

  • Proving grounds

  • The tillers, friendship and my own farm that acted as a cool source of income

  • M+ not designed around MDI

  • Not feeling gutted/helpless on some classes ( For example dps warriors in M+ are basically just dps bots )

  • MoP trinkets

  • Reforging

  • Corruptions

  • Sockets being actually useful and items having multiple sockets on them

  • Armor pen, Cdr, multistrike

  • When mastery wasn’t plain old damage multipliers

  • When assassination rogues had to actually care about envenom uptime

  • Kingsbane, or rather most of the Artifact weapon abilities tbh.

  • Skill gap being an actual thing

  • Times when even if your class is worse, you can actually outperform someone on a better class if you play better

  • Times when classes had a lot of utility abilities that they can utilize and successfully doing so made a huge difference, ( I wish we’d have MoP utility in today’s M+ format )

  • Mage tower

  • Times when boosting wasn’t an insanely better and more efficient way of gold making

  • Times when farming made you get a good source of income because the economy wasn’t yet inflated by table simulator and tons of bots / multiboxxers, back then 100k meant you’re longboi rich.

  • Professions being involved and each providing its own unique thing ( Herb = on use haste cd, BS = extra gems , Tailoring = back enchant and I think parachute, engineering = multiple funny gadgets )

  • Back when toys weren’t useless and had many meaningful effects and when they weren’t nerfed to the ground such that you only use them when you’re bored and waiting for people to come back from AFK in a raid and even then you can’t use most of them

  • Flex raiding, seriously it was super successful why would they scrap it and introduce an inferior version is beyond me.


i remember having fun in flex siege of orgrimmar
think i saw no wipes with my groups
and it was worth it

and i also enjoy timing m+ spires with groups who know when to use their cc/interrupt
and not randomly let a rebelious fist get freecasted

we could use a naxx tw raid

Interestingly enough, Flex was a mode that didn’t involve lots of toxicity when logic and patterns showed it probably would.

It was tuned just perfectly to be a good transition from LFR to Normal, and most of the people doing it were good enough geared for it, not way higher in ilvl nor way below, and most groups struggled on the very end bosses in which most stuck it through since the reward was actually something pretty unique, interesting and powerful.

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it was awesome

Having a new race or class which wasn’t bottle necked into catering to a minority. Cough DH

More zones offering various levelling paths for alts, not one step by step repeat every quest in order. Class Order Halls came close to this and could have been built on.
Factions with Daily questing hubs where you did a bunch of quests in one small(ish) area.
Open world that isn’t just a maze of densely packed mobs which is just one big fairground ride.
Flying is far too late and too grindy in the last couple of expacs. If Pathfinder SL had been Renown 40, Campaign complete and SL explorer released in 9.0 then I would have played my alts more.
Last time I enjoyed professions was MoP, WoD was ok (not entirely sure why).

I guess the things I miss from other expansions can be lumped either under how the pvp gearing system worked (MoP, WoD), or class design (TBC, Wrath, MoP and WoD). I guess most of all I miss MoP priest design, I think it was the best incarnation of my class in any expansion. Under normal circumstances, I don’t really enjoy pveing, but in MoP I actually liked it because of how my class worked.

The feeling or progression, no matter how small I’ve always felt that doing something was pushing me towards a goal in Legion and BfA (SL is my 3rd xp) I rarely have that feeling in SL, which makes logging in hardwork.