I will start.
- Kael’thas
- Sylvanas
- Liadrin
- Doomhammer
- Ner’zhul
- Fenris
- Vol’jin
- Nathanos
- Velen
- Maiev
now tell me yours I am curious.
I will start.
now tell me yours I am curious.
Top 10 lore characters…
Had to seriously think about this
My order isn’t perfect, I struggled a little after five.
I don’t have a top ten but these are definitely 5 of my favorite as well.
Mankirs wife.
I give you my top 3
Notable mentions: I would like to but Alleria and Xal’atath on that list as well but I want to see what else they do in the story and how it will progress, so for now it’s too early for me to judge.
And all the forsaken and gnomes and goblin found from the game
Nothing but alliance characters as usual.
Gul’dan is my No.2 and I said Vol’jin would have been higher if not for Legion.
Gul’dan served himself not the Horde.
Like a great warlock should
I am at a complete loss how you categorize which character goes to which faction. Somehow in your mind Kael’thas and Elisande were Horde characters, but Gul’Dan the orc who was amongst those solely responsible for creating the original Horde (the one you like) is not Horde. But then again it’s you, why am I even surprised.
Bwonsamdi and alleria
I know Kael’thas turned evil. It is my subjective speculation that he would have made a better blood elf leader if Blizzard didn’t ruin him for the sake of having more raid bosses. Just look at Lor’themar. Just a typical archer guy. Without magic.
Hmm not sure i got others…usually goes with the good looking ppl
Seems Sylvanas is still liked by most the player base. That gives me hope for Midnight.
Bwonsamdis voice will echo through eternity after hear it once
Finally I can agree with you. Yes I do believe that K’T would have been a better BE leader. That being said I don’t see him joining the Horde (or the Alliance for that matter).
Honorable mention on mankriks wife.