Tell me your top 10 favorite lore characters

We didn’t know his opinion on the new Horde. If he had to make the decisions Lor’themar was forced into we might had been a similar outcome. But that is not supported by facts. He was insane before we could find out about it.

Ehm I’m not going into that argument again. You have a nice thread for once and I don’t want to ruin it. All I will say is that we didn’t know his opinion on the New Alliance as well, all we knew before Blizzard retconned his character is that he was loyal to Illidan who is for the most part neutral (I say most part because he clearly cares for Tyrande and that would make him NE affiliated).

I also think that trying to fit characters such as K’T and Illidan or whoever that could be considered neutral is a waste of time because their characters have to go through serious changes in order to fit into either Alliance or Horde.

What is her actual name even.

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Im not sure if I ever found her :thinking:

Mankrik’s wife, that is the name shes been since vanillas.

It is Olgra.

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Beat me to it.

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Thats what I found from wowhead when I tried search for the quests name too. Lost in Battle seem to were quests name.

She was part of the Secrets of Azeroth thing for the Felcycle. You first had to go to Makrik in The Barrens and then you had to go and find his wife in the Shadowlands, she is Maldraxxus.

Aye, I remember the questline from barrens and not able find it without google for it. Poor Mankrik :dracthyr_a1:

Oh, really? That’s a nice touch, I’ll have to keep my eye out for her.

If I remember correctly after that you had to find them in AU Draenor where they are still kids.

In no particular order:

Arthas, being a dk and all and generally liking the theme of undeath. The book fleshes him out so well. Although, the SL/Jailer lore really spoiled that plot.

Tyrion had a lot of mystery build around him, the exiled paladin who gave us all these quests in vanilla, then we learned how he spared and befriended Eitrigg. He had a great arc. Sad how quickly they killed him during the Legion paladin quests.

Little cheat here but both the Stormrage brothers had a very solid start. Illidan was relatively consistent, his turn to antihero made se se. Malfurion is such an utter badass in books and in the games, though end of BFA to SL they really lost the plot with him.

Garonna had such a dark start, though she seems to have been side lined lately, would love to see more of her.

Lillian Voss, big fan of her so far. She encapsulates the forsaken as a people so well. Consistently well written. (minus that hick up with reclaiming Gilneas but the whole event was terribly written.)

Grommash Hellscream, albeit he’s been dead since WC3, he’s had such a great impact on all things Orc related.

Both Saurfangs were utter badasses, very much end of an era for these kind of characters.

Cairne Bloodhoof was why I mained a Tauren in vanilla, he lived and died by his honour. Was so angry at how he died, damn you Magatha… Sounds like he was stronger than Garrosh too!

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Let’s show some love for the bad guys too:

Garrosh Hellscream

Not 10, but it should do…

Jaina Proudmoore (pre-Shadowlands)
Freya’s avatar
Brann Bronzebeard (pre-Shadowlands)
Matthias Shaw (before theyouknow)
Daelin Proudmoore
Vindicator Maraad
Uther Lightbringer (pre-Shadowlands)

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  1. Illidan
  2. Anduin
  3. Alleria
  4. Xal’atath
  5. Darion Mograine
  6. Theotar
  7. Ara’lon
  8. Flynn Fairwind
  9. Bwonsamdi
  10. Kalecgos

What happened to Brann in SL?



I forgot rexxar from my list of heroes… :man_facepalming:

Med’an. :dracthyr_nod:

Ha, good one.

I just realized that “Sargeras” is almost a palindrome.