No, Saregras is is actually his light infused brother that was actually behind the Jailor’s plan.
Sargeras spelt backwards is Saregras, so I’m afraid it isn’t.
Yea I guess as close as Rexxar would be
Not 100% on what the threshold of lore character is, but in no particular order:
Shandris Feathermoon
Alleria Windrunner
Sylvanas (recent lore notwithstanding)
Edwin Vancleef
Taelia Fordragon
Gryan Stoutmantle
This blew while I was asleep. Happy new year to all of you. Have a good one.
You snooze you loose but now that your back I give you the keys to the fort, you have the watch
My favourites are:
Lor’themar Theron
Genn Greymane
Maiev Shadowsong
Vereesa Windrunner (MoP)
Garrosh Hellscream
Can I ask you why you have this opinion? I can’t remember him doing anything important recently.
Because I relate to his whole arc much better than any other character in WoW. He didn’t want the position to lead, like I didn’t want the position to be a manager.
His whole arc is trying to do the right thing for his people. He’s not a nodding dog to the likes of Sylvanas or Garrosh and that shows his own personal growth.
He sticks to a very “Highborne-like” way of viewing the world around him. How does this benefit my people? He holds regrets, like not standing against Sylvanas sooner and he knows he has made mistakes in the past and that makes him my all time favourite character.
Unlike his core elf counterpart leader, Tyrande - Lor’themar can admit his faults. Tyrande never admits to doing the wrong thing.
- Rexxar
- Chen Stormstout
- Li Li
The rest of the bunch I like fine, but I don’t care enough to think about it too much.
For me he isn’t noteworthy since he is just another elf archer. Halduron, Velonara, Vereesa and Alleria exist too and so far nothing makes him actually stand out from other rangers. Maybe I am biased but I feel there are better characters to represent all blood elves.
Well that’s your view and I’m entitled to mine Erevien.
You adore Kael and Sylvanas…but I don’t like either of them, to be honest. Kael was villain batted for no reason and sylvanas is a mess who should have died at the end of WoTLK.
He isn’t even our best fighter now that he lost an eye which hinders his deeper vision which also means with the bow he is uselsss since you need both eyes for a good shot.
Yes because I have this feeling that Lor’themar was just a panic button replacement insert because Blizzard realised too late that the blood elves would lose their leadership after the first raid season.
Seemed pretty precise during the Blood Elf heritage questline, where he was striking down the undead.
Also, seemed pretty on the ball during the whole Isle of Thunder
Your feeling is irrelevant considering Lor’themar didn’t even have a unique character model until BFA and wasn’t given his own questline until MoP.
He wasn’t a panic button. He was there, but playing second fiddle to the likes of sylvanas who should have remained the actual forsaken leader and not some stupid, half-cut, temporary and half naked, blood elf leader.
Anyway - I’m entitled to my opinion so shut up and stop questioning me because my view is different from yours
I am not questioning your opinion I just try to understand why you have said opinion. You are of course free to feel whatever you like about any given lore character.
I’ve given my opinion in the first post. You should learn to shut up and accept that first post and not go on, degrading my view.
Flynn Fairwind. Thats all.
- Garrosh
Can’t think of anyone else.
Dragons…all the dragons