All the blood elves maybe?
Everyone else are irrelevant.
Elaborate on that pls.
Top 10 favorite lore characters:
Sylvanas (Pre-Shadowlands)
Don’t really care about the rest.
A fine man of culture I see. We all love Sylvanas.
A lot my popular favourites have been named above, and my candle not very bright as they’re not all ‘lore characters’, but how about: -
- Abby Lewis (creepy kid in the Drustvar woods)
- Veritistrasz
- Arugul
- Griftah
- Thassarian
- Medivh
- Garona
- Putricide
- Vorpalia
- Marshal Dughan (kicked off a lot of WoW journeys)
I don’t know any of these.
Griftah sells amulets and all sorts of phony wares that not all work, but he is the shady vendor of silly things
No, we don’t. She’s a whiny egoistic middle child with a god complex; she was always annoying and I’m glad SL finally removed her from the picture… at least for now.
She was the best of the Windrunner sisters. Alleria and Vereesa would have stood no chance against Arthas or any other lich king.
Which is why she got killed and afterwards threw an emo tantrum that got plenty of people killed and almost ended the world. Sure.
Kiro and Meerah are enough
OK, Dadgar too
Good choice. We love some foxes.
So would have anyone else who tried to stop Arthas. Man was on a roll and killed everything that moved back then.
The best NPC is ofcourse my adopted orphan daughter, Salandria.
The worst NPC is ofcourse Liadrin, for stealing my adopted orphan daughter Salandria.
They are a unit. They need each other to be stronger together. Seems everyone is anticipating for Midnight since all the elves will get their time to shine.
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