Tell us something good about today

I had a big cup of chocolate milk. Milk is healthy. And tasty.

Also I noticed how rich I am on this character. Not spending money on transmogrification really saves a lot.

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I enjoyed the ambient sounds today in wow and updated my google play game

It is raining. :smile:

I quit the forums, my last post. The forums are now just a pitiful echo chamber for people complaining that DF is being politicized by politicizing it themselves and utterly ignorant of the irony.

Such a shame, they used to be fun.



Don’t gooo! :sob:
We will grant you sanctuary in the food thread o’ red one!

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Actually you know what, I’m just gonna ignore the forum except for the fun threads.


I did all my world quests on my gnomie with only horde players today, we went for it in group. Was so strange but fun.

I also saw justice in a random group today where the tank didn’t got spared for being a tank and got his a** kicked out of the place for being unreasonable.

In real life I got 5 euro change money in the supermarket and gave it to an old man with a cute dog who was asking for some change, in these times I felt those 5 might make a difference for that person today, it’s not much I’m aware and I haven’t changed the world, but it is something good I suppose. :smiley:

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Made some peaceful, spontaneous contact with Hordies :smiley:

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did my first mythic on dragonflight last night only died like 4 times thats not bad for me normally more lol

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Gonna hit renown 18 with dragonscale today so I can finally go back and farm rep for Sabellion to get the mount and last cosmetics there so that’s nice!


i dont like the tag limits makes it slower to farm rep :smiley:

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Ran a few M0 today and got some nice peices of gear
Tho’ that damn head piece seems to be my bane slot… nothing there drops, nowehere… :unamused:


i finally completed my dark plate transmog cause mythic sanctum leggings/boots dropped. Now i officially have all the transmog in the game i want. Time to farm mounts!


seems things are getting tense again on the forums so time to revive this thread :smiley:
be nice and say something good that happened today

Hmm let’s see.
I knackered my back in a week ago but it’s finally mending, woot I can walk!
I was hating the whole Wrathion elite zone until I helped my mother do it yesterday and realised most of the quests aren’t even elite requiring - it was way more fun than just going in a random pug that doesn’t even work together. So now, I look forward to doing that next week.
I determined I really, really can’t play every class and I’ma just stick to an army of Paladins and Hunters so I can do ALL The professions, love professions.

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glad its healing gotta take it easy

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Had a rather heavy case of just-one-more-turn-syndrome. Started playing Master of Orion at 01:20 and now it’s somehow 20:42.

Master of Orion 2 is one of my personal favorites.
Master of Orion: Conquer the Stars is awesome too

Playing the reboot. Doesn’t have everything 1 or 2 had, but most of the good stuff from both.