Tell us something good about today

The only problem I have with Master of Orion: Conquer the Stars, the reboot is the look of the Antarans
In MoO2 the Antarans were scary as hell, with the menecing violin music theme…

The new version… meh…

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It began the second day, in one realm like Argent Dawn got 40k golds from AH by farming mining and herbs

Hope it will happen tomorrow with +50k golds

I was playing CoD2 these days a lot and just finished it with the Back2Fronts mod fully. Guess it’s time to up the challenge a bit :facepunch:

My works xmas do on Sunday - looking forward to it

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woke up to a kitten sleeping next to my face :smiley:


Went to pick up some of the original BE armour pieces that are still available in preparation for the white/grey transmogrification update. Leggings for the “green plate” set is no longer obtainable though, they only existed as the starter outfit for BE paladins :frowning: However, it turns out I still have the “Initiate’s Pants” banked on my original blood knight, along with the other pieces (so technically I wouldn’t have had to get them again) :grinning:

And I just ate some spaghetti with meatballs and small sausages.

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I got the drake of the southwind, the famu mount and the lambent manaray today!

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I got an interview for medical school yesterday and I’ve been very excited ever since :smile:


I made chill runs for mythic and M+ and we jus thad fun instead of ‘gogogogog’


This is the way!

got better internet the other day and last night i tried raiding for the first time and had a blast

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Just got back from a walk with the dog. It’s -2 here. She loves this weather.
I don’t, but hey; I’ll take a happy dog. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


i went to sleep at 4am playing a video game…

i havent been so invested in a game in a long time it feels good…

but at the same time it really messed up my sleeping pattern

thankfully my neighbours kindly woke me up at 7am in the morning with hammering and drilling noises…

sounds like the dog walked you.

Our dogs love it too but alas been below -2 and VERY icy. Yay for the temperature going up for all of 2 days :sweat_smile:


I got Combatant 1.

I know this is a pittance, but for me it’s the first baby steps into rated pvp.

Fished up two draconic recipe in a bottle I actually needed!
…and two purple one I don’t even have the profession fo it, but hope will sell for at least 75K each

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it never snows in my area, but you would be suprised when i tell you it snows in Saudi Arabia (mostly southern areas)

i got to experience it once and it was magical to say the least. but i realized the cold is not for me haha

Can Egypt have snows too? or not?

i dont know to be honest.

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