Tell us something good about today

Yes. But it causes absolute chaos on the very rare occasion it happens in any significant amount; an Egyptian friend told me about it. That’s not only the case in Egypt though, even some European countries has that. I don’t remember where it was, but a couple years ago some small central nation got their snowplows out and no one knew how to use them since they were last in service in the 1920s.

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I love DF all in all, my personal complaints are extremely minor and i’m having a blast so far. Never had this much fun since MoP personally and would rate DF a solid 9/10 imo.

Full on winter blues atm and had ridiculous anxiety about just going to the hairdresser. Got there and got pretty much exactly the cut I envisioned and actually cheered up by talking to them. Go figure. :woman_shrugging:


I deleted a toxic person from my life today. I gave her another chance a few months ago but she’s still the same toxic, selfish and manipulative person she always was. Now I fully realized it.

Good riddance! I feel better now. :smile:


But I can change!

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finished the spark of life grind on 1 of my 3 chars so that was nice.

dont look forward to do it on on 2 more though :S

When we went to Petra it snowed and was freezing cold

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Im having a blast leveling my Balance druid, can’t wait to get to 70 and gear him up.


i have a own server in new world …

I logged in to kill the Sha of Anger, but he was down. So I started making fries/burger. While I was putting the food on my plate he spawned and I missed my shot. So I watched some Simpsons and ate, killed the Sha as he popped up and I got my Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent :smile:

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parcel containing son’s Christmas gift arrived today. Was worried it would get stuck in Postal strikes (good luck to them)

Maxed out Sabellian reputation so I could get my black scales :grinning:

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Here for the second time. Still enjoying every single day in DF so far, literally not a thing to complain about for me. Loving it since launch <3


I got to clear out a lot of bank and inventory space. So many grey and white items could now be vendored. Including a grey pitchfork from the DK starting zone dating back to WotLK.

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one for the clones…

so i been training calisthenics for the past month as a new way to work out.

this week i managed to pull off my first set of handstand push ups.

actually a lot easier than i thought they would be the hardest part is balance .

next step muscle ups!

onwards and upwards. :muscle:

Recently I returned to Hearthstone

And been away from hearthstone for few months and then I play one again and enjoying my old demon hunter deck again :blush:

Logged in not long after maintenance to see if my trading post stuff was fixed. And I think it mostly is. Got the last 50 points needed for the mount, checked it out, liked it. Logged back in again an hour ago to see it in the daytime colour and it looks good that way too :slight_smile:

after nearly severing off the top of my index finger 2 days ago, today i found out it is actually healing .

i also have a nice 6 weeks off work to recover.

nurses said i was extremely lucky any higher or lower on the finger and i would of had to have multiple op’s or possibly losing the finger.

i also severed the nerves completely in the initial crush so there is not actually any pain though i still somehow have feeling in the finger .

iam kind of frustrated and feel like i just suffer one bad thing after another … but im grateful it isnt worse than it is.

also learning to do things left handed is slowly becoming a new obsession i wonder if i can get as comfortable with left as i am with right.

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last week at work the girl i upset, spoke to me saying she doesnt want to fight with me anymore.

we are now speaking again and hanging out.

also my old friend group of ten years which disowned me over a misunderstanding, left me a message on the blizzard app 5 months ago hoping everything was going well for me, i did not see this having not had the app installed for 2 years…

if ur innocent persistence pays off i find, eventually people come to their senses

there is a nurse at the A&e im getting on really well with, i will attempt to get her number before my last appointment. :crossed_fingers: