Tell us something good about today

After being fired from my job (4 years tenure), 6 days after my last day, my boss asked to rehire me. Talent acquisition reached out today. I told them I want 300% of what I had or they can K my A.

Let’s see. This week I have an interview somewhere else, I’ll likely start working there.

You underestimate his power.

On topic, I intend to buy yummy hamburgers today and I’ve also hit renown 10 on all but the tuskarr on my human paladin, which started on Duckflight just this friday.


im ready finally to paint my first w40k miniatures. ive got all the stuff and this eve ill begin with!


ff14 is a great game, wait until you get to class armours at 50, then relic weapons.

I had to go buy some new trainers today and also got some of the greatest chocolate ever invented! Cadbury’s jelly popping candy :yum:

Also less than 24 hours until Hogwarts Legacy… The hype is growing!!


Yeah I was spoiled of what lies ahead, for now my aim is to get the 1st dungeon done, grab the Valentine event glamour (or the rewards in general), and ding 30 to be a paladin. :smile:

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Time flies. I guess you’ll be a Slytherin?


I am a Ravenclaw TYVM!!


Whew, I’ve no need to bribe teachers to take house points from you :smiling_face_with_tear:

i was thinkin to buy it (not now but probably later). it seems pretty good and the story seems reasonably long.


For the Greater Good or For the Emperor?

For the Emperor!

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He is not Judge Judy and executioner!

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He is! He’s got everyone in Sandford completely brainwashed!

… though more referring to

who did it it before tbf.

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i will post some of my space marine if TL3 come back. (but i admit ive some chaos marine too to paint ;))

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Personal chapter or one of the “big” ones? Please don’t say Ultramarines AKA Blandmarines.

as first… the ultramarine are a must. im the most goofy person i know so the first has to be simple.

Yeah, but one should never miss the opportunity for a good Hot Fuzz reference :grin:


expensive hobby these days painting warhammer, the models arent even lead anymore :slight_smile:

i stil have my old 40k and necromunda sets (lead models) in a box from the 90’s


yeah. i heard that in the past were in metal… being a newbie ive seen just plastic ones so i cant complain :sweat_smile:
Its really expensive: expecially when you havent any of the things to do it. Fortunately i have a good leroy marlin near home where to buy discounted things.
I still have to understand if is a hobby i could handle.

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