Tell us something good about today

it’s a fun and relaxing passtime, and it is a skill it can translate well to painting not just warhammer.

i think you’ll love it.

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Thanks! Ill let you know

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Well, something good about today…

I’m finally done with all the exams after one long excruciating month.


congratulations :D,

i wish you the best on the results ^^


Not really a chocolate person, but that one is awesome


Thanks, they’re pretty much at the top of the course far as I’m aware :smile:


Have you tried the crunchie ice creams with popping canday?

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I got paid.

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yep - they are also bloody amazing

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Everything went smooth at work

I ate all 4 in the box in one night, they are that good haha!

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just got home from travelling to work for my first meeting since i had my accident.

All went well and im going to be getting sick pay for all the time im off for as long as it takes.

they are talking about me moving into the office when i return to help and learn run the entire shift as well.

rather than working with the actual machines.

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Found today a real gem

Then realized, I had the pleasure to hear her sing while she was alive
She was in her twilight years, but still her sound was so pure, clear and beautiful it was painfull :smiling_face_with_tear:
Diana Damrau and Natalie Dessay are wonderfull, but not even close to her (credit where credits due, you can hear the anger in their voice and their gestures and facial expressions to crown it when they sing the aria, but still) :roll_eyes:
She is easly on par with Montserrat Caballé when comes to voice and talent

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got a letter from the fracture clinic today saying they reviewed my xray and medical notes and that they believe no intervention will be required from them and that the break should heal naturally in time by itself.

Went to my main hospital appointment yesterday, the doctor was really impressed with how quick my finger was healing, and how cleanly it is healing, might not even have a scar afterwards, good news considering the finger was hanging off.

They said i wont need anymore appointments at all and should heal completely in a matter of weeks.

Was my first time visiting bath city in years was a good opportunity to take a walk around to bring back memories.

Was also my first train journey in 10+ years

Tonight i plan to go to the cinema.

Also hogwartz legacy should arrive today.

Today will be a good day.

Also been signed off work for 6 weeks offically by a doctor now.

it begins

Linkin Park released their new song today. First one after Chester passed.


That’s been more than 5 years… looks like the band really got hit hard back then.

Yeah it did. Same for me really, still feels weird hes gone.


still managing to visit the wow forums despite enjoying hogwarts … :slight_smile: