Tenders in 10.1.5

Oh look WoW is turning into a free-to-play game with no subscription.

Mike Ybarra is clueless and needs to go.


I just dont get why more people arent angry about this. People are so short sighted its insane. Mark my words white knights of BLizz, this will come to pass, it will have a massively negative effect on the game, and you will have nobody to blame but yourselves for not speaking up.

They are not going to get rid of their most stable income cash cow.

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When you introduce any kind of paid for item in a game, it completly flips where value lies. So say invincible, quite a rare mount, has lots of value and everyone knows how and where you got it. Vs say the heart of the aspects mount. Store bought trash that nobody cares about and the only value is in the £19 you gave blizz.

The more things you put on the shop or on trader tender shop for buyable tender, the less cool they become and ther only value they ever have is a monetary one. That only makes you poorer, Blizz richer and the experience worse.

Then if enough clowns buy it, which they will as they cant control themselves or see the negative effect engaging in these systems have, then they will decide that its actually worth it, and stop making good items in the game for free and just charge for them. A slippery slope

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No. They used loot boxes until last year. That you could earn through regular play, aka for free. You could also buy them from the shop, but I never did that.

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We used to get free loot boxes. You could also buy them ofc. But we earnt the skins in game. Now you have to buy them from the shop or buy the battle pass and grind you way through the tiers.

WoW isn’t quite there yet, but if it goes there, that is what will happen because I just won’t be able to afford playing anymore. We currently have 2 active accounts in the household, and the current sub is getting close to a cost we can’t justify anymore. A battlepass solution would put us off playing completely.

Have you considered making cuts on other stuff you don’t necessarily need at all? Aside of WoW?

You on commission for blizzard? jeez

All is cut off, besides WoW. We had an enourmous price rise in my country the last 12 months, while my partner is currently unemployed and a foreginer with no economical rights here yet. I met him in WoW actually.

It’s a temporary economical situation atm, but game stores and battlepasses will never be worth the money as long as they follow the route they do now. Time is something we don’t have much of with 3 kids(ours is still a baby), so the battlepasses just screw us over completely.


Oh, that’s rough. I can understand your situation. Totally in line for you to be upset. I would even say WoW might be right now not worth and rather focus on your partner get an employment, even if it is just something like a Minijob for a few weeks.

Truly a harsh situation. But massive respect for actually considering if WoW (or any game for that matter) is worth it or not :+1:t2:. Far too many people cut essential costs of living before their entertainment, so it’s nice to see someone who actually has their priorities straight.

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