Tenders in 10.1.5

Is it not a recolour then?

Apparently not, according to Wowhead. Was that not your point? :no_mouth:

Nono… I just didn’t realise it could have been a recolour
I don’t think i’d be too happy dropping 450 quacks on a recoloured weapon…

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Buddy, let me be perfectly blunt with you. I would rather pay 25€ (as much as a single Diablo 4 armor transmog costs - which btw. are insanely well made) if that would mean I could buy a Paladin armor that looks 2-3 times better in detail and shape and doesn’t have texture clipping than the last few seasons of Paladin/Plate armor we got.

Just to give you a perspective about how “bad it will be” (which it is for some of us already in other aspects of the game). The last few armor sets Paladins got either had nothing to do with the Class or simply aren’t wearable without clipping due to bloody bad designed robes.

Again. I am at the point where I would rather pay 25€ instead of hoping for a set to be added in a season that satisfies my transmog needs for my character.

And I am talking about 25€ of this quality (this is not official WoW content):


Do you think it would be even possible to implement that detail in WoW?
Genuinely curious

With the right (engine) optimization and optional graphics settings for (entry) high end hardware, it is technically possible. When you look at the models of Anduin and Sylvanas from Shadowlands and from the Dragon Aspects of Dragonflight, it is clearly possible. It is just the case that Blizzard is too lazy or under-employed at the moment to even remotely deliver that kind of Quality for all the armor sets for every single race and body shape in WoW.

Is it possible? Yes. Is the amount of work insane? Also yes.

Edit: For example, in Diablo 4 you can select to (optionally) download high resolution assets for the 4k textures. WoW could have such a thing too for 1080p textures (WoW still is basically 720p resolution due to the stylized art style and due to the “we support low hardware PCs” mindset).

I don’t think engine optimisation and balanced well-performing graphic options are Blizzards strong suit
Just my opinion

Though i’d be curious if they pulled it off

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I don’t know what you mean, I love it when my gloves are halfway through my robes…

They for sure managed in Diablo 4 imo.

I play the game in full 2-4k texture resolution and it still runs around 80% of my GPU (12GB VRAM RTX). And that is due to the photo-realistic artstyle. Stylized by default has less data size because it has less noise and details in the image textures. Even 1080p (512x512 tile) textures in WoW could make the game look so much better with the right scaling.

But that would require Blizzard to also properly UV map all armor and weapons for tile-textures and that is also a lot of work (most models use individual textures, like the art project I linked above). Blizzard uses tile textures almost exclusively for environments, while Bungie with Destiny 2 uses tile textures also for character armor individualization (shaders).

An interesting article on the topic:


Tile textures in Destiny 2 (look closely at the surface of the metal or the leather texture on the helmet):


Does that run on a different engine? I don’t know for ref , just asking

I play on a Rx 6950 XT Toxic and also play in 4k (this heat is killing my poor build)

I think it is probably something that wouldn’t happen until we got WoW 2, if that ever came. I think they should work on it tbh. Even if it took absolute years to rebuild all current data etc so people could at least retain some things

Idk… maybe fresh wouldn’t be that bad

Isn’t D2 a much smaller game for the most part though?

I can’t tell, but it is for sure not the version used for the WoW engine. Must be more modern since it supports the newest RTX graphic features natively (like DLSS which works with AI for performance).

It is not as open world as WoW and surely isn’t a full scale MMO. But it also works on a (modified) decade old engine for FPS games and they still managed to pull it off.

Edit: And Destiny 2 is almost as big as WoW (WoW has 108GB, Destiny 2 has 94GB) with less content but better graphics (including 4k textures). (Additionally, there is a bug sometimes where players would even be put as 20 players into a 3-man designed activity and it still ran super smooth)

As I said, the fact that WoW is stylized art is in its favor because it saves texture detail. Also WoW doesn’t rely on super detailed normal maps, since it isn’t photorealistic.

Edit 2: For example my current 3D project (doesn’t use tile textures - didn’t learn proper UV mapping yet - I use baked textures with geometry for it) has already a size of 2GB of textures. And I not even done with the base environment for the building yet (it is a scene for my portfolio and I train my “texture baking” skills with it). If it would be stylized, I could make the textures much smaller and wouldn’t rely on actual 4k imagines for a 1080p look.

Yeah there you have it
I think we are almost at the limit with WoWs engine
top cards are getting 70-90fps in Valdrakken lol

Back on the topic…

:poop: is about to hit the :fried_egg:

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Dont muddy the water people. We shouldnt allow them to mess around with this. We DONT want this BLizzard


Not really. The marketing approach for those purchases is to make the quantity bought don’t match the items that will make people buy the token (tender in this case). For example, with a pet prize being 800 tenders, the marketing approach would be to sell the tenders only on ranges that don’t match, like 300-600-900, or 500-1000 (but those prizes collide with mounts price). With this, when people buy tenders, they end with leftovers, which makes them more likely to buy more for another item in the future. Particularly 50 and 100 tenders are too low of a value to sell tenders using this method from FPA games.

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diablo 4 uses a new engine , wow’s engine is the same since launch with constant updates being implemented

The sky is never blue. The blue color is because of our poor human eyes limitations.
Real color i purple-ish :smiley:

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if this gets added wow should become f2p!

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All ima say is
IF this is true… IF… that you can buy tender for £$
Then there better be some absolutely insane unreal options on that sodding Vendor that is all I know
Otherwise , yeah good luck with the subs

Maybe not directly.

Howevwe this will burn players trust of the company further. Which are things the game cant handle doing more of.