Tenders in 10.1.5

Fomo store…
I dont know why but im glad i wasnt too invested in it anyway.

Well, I didn’t say WoW is better in that case :smiley:

Just that you can play it in trial mode. I for sure would love it being partially Free2Play like FF14 does. With once you payed game time you can’t access it without it anymore and chat and trade features limited without game time to counter boosters/multiboxers/bots/etc.

It is completely optional tho. Because if they would focus on the trading post too much instead of the gameplay and DLC content, you can be sure that some agencies in the EU would try to fill complaints at the EU court for consumer protection.

Mandatory until we get the Scarlet Crusade items that where shown months ago after that scrap it I don’t care.

I mean I still wont buy it. I still have plenty of tender to spare since theres so much stuff in the post that I simply dont care about even if I went on a buying spree this month.

If that happens then I will support the outrage. Currently the prices appear to be fine (given they stay that way)


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I suggested this before, selling Tender via ingame shop.

Thanks for listening my feedback.

Everyone being like “oh this doesnt effect me so its fine”
It doesnt effect you yet! It soon will and will have an impact on your game. Look past the fact that you dont interact with it as is, or its only cosmetics. Pretty soon it will be effecting other parts of the game you do enjoy. By that points its far far too late. It devalues evereything else in the game because they will monetize the GOOD stuff and leave you with the low texture recolours.

I mean we hear this ever since the first appearance of cosmetics on the shop (like jewel of the firelord). To this day nothing has happened really. And cosmetics are fine since its a well known and very effective business model. And as long as that business model works I’m fine with it as they dont touch the rest.

Just look at PoE. PoE is free and only keeps itself afloat through their vast amount of cosmetics. Same as Riot with LoL. The amount of money they have rolling in from that is insane.

Its also a reason why im still baffled why for example genshin impact which already gets a ridiculous amount of money through the gacha system (which is absolutely horrendous as far as their draw rates are concerned) doesnt pour more money into skins and stuff since those are bound to be bought on mass.

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they’ll all go mad if it’s true and they add some old locked cosmetics to get more money like wait till corrupted ashbringer gets there :smiley: if it’s monetized then it means they can use anything to get more money

You want Original mage tower Werebear? That’s 50 big ones please

I’m willing to pay three fiddy.


gaaaattt eemm … HA!

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Lol this reasoning its basicly the same as wow fee tbh really dont come up with excuses

it’s not the same one you can play without paying , the other one you can not . it’s that simple

italready is affecting the game though .

when best looking sets are put into tenders not into game content then yes its affecting anyway .

we can expect them to go fully into this direction in future.

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Completely random but
I bought that big ol’ gold and fel 2h axe
That thing was like 450 smackaroos?
but a mount is 900?


I’d say the weapon, being a mere recolour, is too pricey at 450 and I think 900 for a mount is acceptable depending on the mount. I realise that is incredibly subjective though.

To many gamers collecting cosmetics IS the game, but not all are wery fond of paying extra for an item that could have been or should have been completely free.

I wonder if someone said to a Dev: “you know, I’m pretty sure there are some players who don´t like doing quests for the free battle pass”

“Say no more! I have been wanting to put this code in-game that allows them to spend money for the points ^,…^”


Oh. Well I still think it’s too much for an ugly new weapon too.