Terible Trouble Getting Guild Charter Signed


Can anyone help me out here please? Character name is Drphoenix on EU Shattered Hand Alliance. I have been trying to get signatures, but no-one is interested and I read others have struggled as well.

The rules are horrible, having to be only one person from any one account and on the same realm or connected, so I would have to pay £40 to create four characters just for signing, unless there is some other way.

If anyone is feeling kind, and is on Shattered Hand or connected, could they let me know either in-game to Drphoenix or post in here. I can pay 500g no problem.

Yeah; it’s definitely a hassle. You should be able to send your own alts requests to sign the charter imo.

I can create a character. If you can travel to starting zone and meet me that would be great. Where are you? Which starting zone should I create a character in?

Can do the same. Will save some travelling.

I suppose you should create an allied race; they start at lvl 10 and have (almost) immediate access to that faction’s capital.

Alliance, is it?

I can create a character just need to relog, can you head to the human start area?

I do not want any gold.

I’ll pop in and sign too.

An allied race can be in the capital in a few seconds.

It’s no biggie to travel to human starter

It’s next to SW

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haha I had the same type of naming…
Tahsigner, dark iron dwarf XD

No Drphoenix currently playing though.

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Yeah I can’t find them online either.

I have a Human called Notgram. Was going to call it Punyhuman but thought that might get confusing.

In Northshire Abbey now.

Ah Fecadyfecfec, I’m in Exile’s Reach…
Is there a way to leave here?


Ok then, Notgram is lost to the Nether forever.

New character then. Maybe an Allied Race.

OK, Gramsigner is now in Northshire abbey. I spotted the option to not go to Exile’s Reach this time. Been a while since I made a non Allied Race alt.

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If you need any more just holler here.

It felt weird being a warrior. Even for just signing the charter. :sweat_smile: :joy:

I purposely made a Paladin xD


I’m there right now if you need more signatures. Fairymairy, the blue haired warlock.

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Thank you all so much, you made it all very quick and painless. Very kind of all of you.


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