Testing Adding Damage Reduction to PvP

People already sleeping on demo lock pvp, this change is going to make them godly
A full rogue opener barely scratching for 30% with soullink+10% physical reduce and 50 all ress from felguard talents. Can’t wait to watch my pet solo people while they rot kek

Diamond Flask is poggers and helps a lot I agree, it is amazing and u r right.

This does not help as much as u’d think, I thought it’d be a great change, but, against mobs up to lvl 50-51 yes, against 52+ (which is most decent farms now)? hell no, they will kill u before u get victory rush procs as they activate only after the kill, doesn’t help if I literally cannot kill the mob. This also does not help in PvP at all, is worthless.

Oh been there done that, dw I got me gold for mats :slight_smile: , isn’t a solo farm tho and trust me ppl will legit take any other class over warrior if given the chance since, welp, other classes are just that much more useful. But again, I do agree this is very decent and fixes consume issues with ease if you end up in a good group.

But they are given an option to, we are not even getting the option.
Mages can farm dungeons (seen em farm ZF, solo princess, maraudon small snakes etc…) + really great aoe farms in the world. Lock never needs to stop for a second while farming with new drain life, rogues and ferals can perma stealth for herbs/ore farms, boomies are deleting mobs and have self heal, shamans can legit solo lvl 56 elementals in ungoro, paladins in prot can aoe farm nps or even ST farm as ret for free just pressing 1 heal after a mob and keep going, hunters no need to elaborate…

Concerned about warriors becoming even weaker, generating absolutely 0 rage and demo locks becoming even more unkillable.

At least they’re willing to test things however so that’s a good sign and, hopefully, it gets tuned to reduce particularly problematic damage instances in the long run and not just leave it as an overall damage reduction.

like they generate any rage at all in pvp xD

Warrior design is purely for pve in entire sod, reroll spriest / rogue / hunter for pvp mate

if pvp fights last longer mana classes will struggle after this change, especially mages who go oom very fast in pvp compared to other caster classes.

  • shamans have almost infinite mana with shamanistic rage
  • priests have dispersion (36% mana 2min CD) and shadowfiend (5min CD) and shadowform cut their manacosts by 50%
  • druids have 0 mana costs on wrarth and almost 0 on starsuge so they still have a very high dps output even when they are oom, also for completion: innervate on 6min CD
  • warlocks have infinite mana with lifetap, healthstone healing is also convertable to mana
  • mages have evocation every 8 minute which is a channeled spell (so could be interrupted or you miss ticks because of spellpushback) and their mana gem is a joke compared to the high costs of most spells. you could change the manashield rune to reduce costs of all spells by a percentage amount so make the rune more interesting or just give all casters (preferably a class dependent/individual) mana cost reduction in pvp situations to balance it a bit

also please add a 5-10sec no-manacost-buff after getting rezzed at a spirit healer in BGs to be able to buff at least yourself up again and not having to decide if you sit down for another 15sec or to start the next fight with half of your manapool

mage is the only class which is still playing “manaregg simulator 2004” in SOD PvP and PvE. im telling this from a players perspective who is also playing all caster class specs (dps and heal) on shaman, priest, lock and druid in pve and pvp.


It’s good that they are finally at least trying, but the same classes will remain strong as before. Class-specific PVP nerfs would still be needed.
It’s a shame that for blizzard 20 years wasnt enough to figure out how to separate PVP/PVE balance. I understand the part when someone argues that if they are nerfed for PVP, then they will be weak in PVE, OK, but some classes are still BROKEN in PVP. In other games they managed to separate the two modes.
The relese manacost buff is a good idea xD i have a mage and yeash 3buff=more than half mana.

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Sooo this change won’t affect shield absorbs, right?

Shadow priests are going to have a field trip.

And rogues can uninstall.


Pretty much. We are back to p1 pvp. Were you could count the amount of priests and see if you face a premade to see if you can win or not.

Ranked up yesterday (as Ally) in AB and it was pretty much this already. 13 games (as solo warlock). 11 against 10 man premades and shamans + priest stacking already. Won 3 of 13.

Cant wait… Love to see they make some changes to PvP <3 And not this 1shot fiesta :smiley:


agreed. interessting change. hope it will turn in to some “speed chess” like fights and away from rofl nuking.

Ferals still gonna be at the bottom of the barrel, for PvE + PvP. Good :slight_smile:

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But why shouldn’t it though? If you are build for 1vs1 why shouldn’t you be good at 1vs1 I don’t get the issue?

If you take that build into a grp fight you won’t be able to tank stuff either pet just melts and byebye soullink. And you also won’t be able to dish out any decent damage.

There are many classes which don’t sacrifice much and are good for both 1vs1 and grp fights. Warlock is generally very focused on one purpose.

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We must have on of the worst pvp balacing devs in history of wow. You go and buff 3 most op rangeds in game for …pve purposes? for pve dps?
And now ur also planning to make Hybrid specs like Spriest/moonkin even stronger via this buff
I have lost all my hope for good pvp balance, they couldnt balance at lvl 25 with most specs having like 5 spells or so.
Theres no hope for future, not one bit.
Just roll Priest if your planning to pvp, its truly king of casters and even beats 2nd best caster (moonkin) by a mile.


As if BGs were not carried by healers.
So no PvP this weekend, understood.


That’s because the balance people want isn’t how balanced used to work in classic. It was way more rock-paper-scissors based, some classes just auto lose in some situations while they would auto win in others. It’s just very hard to accept that fact.

Sure things could be “better”

The balance people are after will inevitably ruin the game and make it a bland experience.

But seeing as they are back to a more hands on approach compared to P2 I have high hopes. Although 10% more dmg on SP is prolly the dumbest thing ever

Best way to balance PVE without touching PVP is to have PVE rotations that are impractical or impossible to use in PVP. Melee have the ~100% up time in PVE and boss debuffs, ranged have free casting. But dot classes are for that reason hard to balance, applying dots in PVE is kinda the same in PVP, can’t change one without hurting the other.

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Yes lets gooooo back to the healer meta with fights lasting 10 minutes before a healer finally runs out of mana

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How do you implement a flat damage reduction but not a healing reduction? So basically they can just out heal again who took the devs brain and replaced it with spaghetti

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Good point. Armor reducing ph. dmg taken, (some casters and clothies can have more armor than plate wearing tank) it can be parryed, dodged, have to be in melee range etc. But there is nearly no reliable mechanics to avoid spell dmg as melee, it still can be manageable if the majority of spell dmg we take was not instant casts, and dots, which makes countering impossible, maybe they should add spell dmg resistance on gear, on specific talents, or make it work only against players etc. Something have to be done, dmg reducing aura will work on casters favor even better.

Exactly this!

Yes, indeed! Change for pvp needed, but this solution will not make it any better.
Classes with absorbs and healing capabilites will get even stronger and impossible to deal with. Gl killing an meta lock in pvp, they will be defending the objectives on pvp like raid boss, just example. They must add healing and dot dmg reduce to this and it may work.