Testing Adding Damage Reduction to PvP

But all we ever wanted was to nerf shamans Shield and perma self healing, and perhaps revert the shadow buffs for priests. Other than that, people cry more than needed.


This sounds like 2 steps forward 1 step back. Please do not go this route. It would make me personally, despite all the love for the classic setting, drop the season like a hot mess.

You were on a right track: fixed meme hybrid dps specs, brought alternative gearing sources, brought new content, fast paced combat. I hope you introduce black lotus as it dropped from other end game herbs in SoM so casters keep up with world buffed melees in raids.

What would a global dmg reduction aura for a warrior with decent stats and weapon hitting for 200dmg non crit do?

Fix the outliers!

It is beyond me how you would let for example Dispersion untouched in it’s current state. It is to powerful for a 2min cd. As a warrior main with a bit over 5k hp unbuffed in a bg i get void plague and swpain and the spriest uses Dispersion at 100% hp, then finishes with a sw:death. Why would he not? 2 min cd! By the time he gets out of combat, mounts up, moves from stables to blacksmith he can already use it again!

On the other side healing priests, one of the few specs vulnerable to warriors , also pop dispersion right of the bat hoping their teammates would peel me off them.

Improve Pain suppression ! Give it a 2min cd, protection from pushback or even interrupts! So they don’t sit there for 6 seconds browning their pants unable to cast anything maybe on a teammate they could have also saved!

Make Dispersion a 6 min cd at least. Give Shadowform for all i care 25% phys dmg reduction if they struggle so much against melee.

Keep SW:Death mechanic as a clutch counter to traps or polymorph, have it do it’s damage as an execute when the target is below 20% hp.

Shift some of the dot damage on casted abilities. Mind blast takes 1.5 sec to cast, not some 2-3 sec like other casters.

How is it possible to ignore Mutilate? Tone down the poison damage or application or the physical part. Over 90% of rogues i meet in a bg all they do is swoosh swoosh swoosh 3x times right out of stealth and the “fight” is pretty much done after that. Why would they even bother to learn a class with such powerful cooldowns. 2x white daggers to outdamage an epic raid drop sword?

Why is it even possible for a paladin to still chain exorcism crits up to 800 dmg on me because his seal still procs crits while disarmed? On a class with healing and powerful defensive cds? Where is the trade of for dedicating to a melee spec?

It is bias or class favoritism at play or what?! Or is it just 1 person doing all the work or do you not communicate to each other?

Hp pools, class abilities are our resilience! We’ve already been there over the years experimenting with resilience in pvp.
Is it really fun(maybe for some
) to wait for 50 stacks of dampening for a cross cc to actually have an effect? I guess this last one isn’t quite apples to apples comparison but still.
Fast paced combat while still allowing for counterplay, decision making, not dragged out fights nor 2shot braindead encounters please.

What is the point of having raid gear in ST with 6 points of stamina on a plate helmet?! Or 9 stamina on tier plate legguards? Again, no communication in your team or what?
Not everyone has the time or some care dedicating weekends to farm while getting farmed 110k honor for the pvp set. Makes alternative gearing sources only on paper. Also no point in raid gear gimping your hp pool for pvp.


Hello Shadow priests!*

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So instead of apply dots, silence, then sw:d its gonna be apply dots, silence into fear, sw:d.

CD dependent class back in actual classic. SoD has nothing but a rogue domination field along side other classes like Balance/SP/Shamans/Locks.
Don’t need CDs if rogues literally beat the majority of the classes before they get to play the game thanks to the broken mobility, CC and damage.

Dear players

When we started this or even before we started we already knew that this was going to be very very crazy. It has been 5 months but all this time we have been reading your comments. It has been a long and hard 5 months but don’t worry, we have a plan!

At approximately 19:00 we will put a pvp system to reduce the damage and approximately 4 days later we will remove it again to continue the madness.

Thank you all for waiting these long 5 months but we have been scheduling important things like stv event and opening up migrations that could unbalance some server. Thank you.

We look forward to your feedback :wink:

Can’t wait to play my warrior and be able to crit for 2 damage points this time, as if warrior was hitting hard before :slight_smile:

Prediction for phase 4 : Mages will hire warriors to carry their water and warriors will again become something viable if they got inventory space. We will get promoted from bank alts to water boys.


Warriors will be a summoned pet for mages :rofl:


We’re all fed up with this one shot meta and now that they decide to reduce damage overall in PvP I see so many people crying, it’s wild. It is what we’ve asked for weeks now so let’s give it a shot and see what comes out of it.
Sure it’s not the same as having a tuning adapted to each and every class over or under performing in PvP atm but we are NOT max lvl yet. There is no point for them using all their ressources to fine tune a pvp meta that will only last a few more weeks.
We will have to wait for level 60 to get any decent atempt at PvP class tuning, if there will ever be one.
But I for one am happy that they keep on trying new things and take the time to seee how it feels for a few days before implementing it or not. It certainly won’t be perfect but it’s a step forward imho.


Lazy bandage on the root cause of the issue, there will be other problems being created by this paradox of reducing damage. Bad specs will do even less damage, hybrids / healers will become stronger. This ultimatly will make some specs worst - others better.

Problem is this retail dev team, old vanilla team knew that buffing shadowpriests to deal more damage in PvE was a terrible idea, since SP were immensly strong in PvP - and the utility they brought in compensated for the low raid dps. But that is all out the window. Paladins with plate and some of the best defensive utilites are now doing the same burst as cloth-leather users
 This is retail 0.1 - this aint classic anymore. There is no drawbacks or any class balance thoughts behind these changes, other than PvE raid data - that will result in the disaster that we see today.

The solution was easy, nerf the specific classes - but oh no, they wont be able to “parse” in a faceroll raid (1h per week of content). Instead they actually buffed these top specs and reduced all overall damage??

Not sure why anyone thinks its going to get better at 60. Its clear that Blizzard has no real intention on balancing the game around PvP - so if you are a PvP player, my advice is unsub with a message in the comment. This version of the game was cearly not ment for us (PvP players).

Honestly I®m not sure why anyone would be happy to beta test this “damage reduction” when they are paying a monthly subscription for a service. The income alone that Blizzard is making from SOD should enable them to have a tester and more developers.

That they didnt even test the incursions with the amount of gold that you could make and how that would impact the economi is mind blowing - yet here they are reeking in money and getting away with this BS.

The idé behind SOD didnt even come from Blizzard, it was from the community years ago. Perhaps the misstake was that we shoudnt have presented these idés to Blizzard, but rather the PS - since this is what we end up with when Blizzard is behind the implementation. That idé was Vanilla with Wrath abilities scaled down + new raids and content in Vanilla world - not taking anything away from the team - many good things added by them, but this lack of PvP consern has left the experience with a really bad taste for many of us.


Reducing pvp damage will surely give one a shot in those 5v1 ganks.

oh no, retail pvp in classic


SP: Dispersion lasts 6 secconds.
How can you die from two buffs in 6 secconds and a 1k instant?
Go duel a sp and kill it easy

How comes everyone complains about SP, but there are so many other overpowered classes in pvp

Because sp is veeeery very strong in group PvP content given his strong dot mechanic and range. Adding to that a strong defensive on a 2 min CD makes him a tad overpowered.
There are a few classes/specs overpowered at the moment and SP is one of them.

And killing a SP in 1v1 is anything but easy. You have a very strong toolkit both offensive and defensive.

yea not easy, but you will still win most of the times.
And now we need to balance group pvp as well?
WTF is going on

The balance has never been around 1v1.

So sp is to much for you because if you dont focus he can kill sth?
And therefore its ok that it makes no dmg in pve?

So many retail players defending those changes - it’s mind blowing. They all left retail because of similar issue, because they’ve ended up disliking the content and direction the game took and now they come here and defend those changes that turn the game into nothing other than retail Jr mode.

You can try to paint it in any color you want, this game was never meant to become retail like, when the community asked for a CLASSIC version with improvements, changes and new additions, they’ve never asked for retail, they’ve asked for content around CLASSIC.

Classic was never perfect but it was 10s of times better balanced than whatever this is, they sacrifice the entire game-play around a single 1 hour raid (That only some care to clear, if at all many) log data/statistics to satisfy the needs of a really small portion of the community, while the others suffer for it.

Those defending the changes are ruining the game, turning the game into retail and killing it. If you started playing this without knowing what a classic play mode is about, is on you, but changes should be around classic and not the other way around since this season of discovery is not based on Dragonflight. (Neither is it based on TBC, Wotlk, Cata, MoP, WoD, Legion, BFA, Shadowlands - sorry if I’ve missed any expansion or messed with the other, I just took info from google as I’ve never enjoyed content past wotlk).

So for as long as this seasonal mode is based on classic, I find it fair for people to complain over such things and be unhappy, because this is anything BUT classic based content.

They did some good changes that I personally approve - such as blocking GDKPs, trying to get rid of bots and gold sellers - they got my respect for that. But that can’t be the only focus and not at the cost of destroying the game entirely.

You can witheknight all you want for the dev team, but reality is that if the game keeps being balanced and designed around retail rather than classic, the game will easily die, before phase4. Give praise where is due, but also give criticism where is required.


Is that really what you understood from my message ?
Sorry to have thought you were an intelligent being, you seem like a child having a tantrum so I won’t waste my time with you anymore, good luck buddy.


Starsurge and SWD have been nerfed pretty early in P2 due to ST damage and PvP. Aka 1v1s.

But Blizzard is fine to buff healers/hybrids (especially priests/druids/shamans/locks selfheal) with this change who are already hard meta and couldn’t be killed unless you perma CC’d them or Mortal Strike was on them.
Hunters/rets/warriors don’t even stand a chance now with their damage being nerfed.

Blizzard has no clue about which classes need buffs and nerfs.

These all need nerfs regarding PvP

  • Healers, all of them, needing to either hard focus, perma CC or needing MS to kill someone is dumb af.
  • rogues, 2 classes can fight a rogue with the r5 trinket, the rest get eaten in the stunlock due to high DPS, CC and mobility
  • warlocks, selfsustain/tankyness with WG+Haunt+SL or meta instant searings while being hard to kill need loads of tuning
  • SP, 2 dots SWD Disp will body most players and barely hurt them, tanky, high damage etc.
  • Mage selfheal from AE in STV shouldn’t exist to begin with

These need buffs

  • warrior, lack of damage
  • ret, lack of mobility and damage
  • hunter, lack of selfheal/CC