Testing of Same-Faction Battlegrounds Will Continue

After waiting 29 minutes for a warsong, i found a full Alliance premade that rush and camp our graveyard.

So, i waited 29 minutes for 86 honor points. It is healthy for the game? i think not.

Please do crossfaction permanent again. Good job here.


Great to hear! So happy I can enjoy a feature I pay money for <3
This is definitely improve my gaming experience by a long shot.

Also good to hear Ally Gnome lies and propaganda has been debunked as fake news, which everyone already knew.

Good news!


We’re weeks into TBCC, anyone who is going to play it seriously will already be playing. The trickle of new players are not going to be type of people to research into BG queue length for each faction and make a change depending on that. I’d wager the new casual players will start horde/alliance in equal numbers regardless of FvF.

What propaganda and fake news exactly?

Long queues won’t solve anything, you’re delusional. I and many others would simply quit, we don’t have the time to reroll alliance for better queues. And if I can’t play the game on my current character, why pay to play a game I cannot enjoy?

Surely there are better solutions than HvH, but if that’s the best they got for now they need to implement it in order to not lose tons of players.

40min to play a bg and face a premade who is stomping over everyone with absolute better gear…

game expectations are very different to what they were 15years ago.

  1. fix queue times
  2. limit premades to 5 players

its incredible devs couldnt predict this and make a system tweak pre-launch.

Honestly every horde player could have known how bg waiting times could be in tbc. Because of that i chose alliance despite better racials for horde. Now changing to same faction bg instead of making alliance racials better in pvp is a cheap solution and a slap to the face for everyone who took the disadvantages of alliance in pvp. The queue times are the biggest benefit for alliance players in pvp


What a BS. We play what we like and what we rolled in 2019.

Game is litteraly unplayable, spent 1h looking for a healer to UB HC today, Blizzard please fix this.

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Game literaly is unplayable as horde on PvE Server. All objectives, everything just for ever alliance. Its sick how they outnumber us. Never find groups and AH auctions are bad.
And i cant even BG because its cross.


Whoever wrote that post, and whoever reads those type of posts on Reddit need to go outside.

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Thank you!

The whole point of BG’s (was) is Hordes vs Alliance.

HvA yes. Retail HvH? Hell no!

See what I did there?

Thanks. All the pug alliance have a huge laugh.

But hey, it’s solid logic: most alliance premades beat pug, so it’s near 100% winrate; most alliance pugs lose to horde pugs, so it’s 0% winrate. Blizzard’s logic: it’s 50/50!


No I don’t, because same-faction BGs don’t alter in-group dynamics in the same way RDF does. So yes it’s perfectly reasonable for a person to be in favor of HvH BGs while opposing RDFs. Either way, you can keep asking for RDF to hell and back, it ain’t happening.

With HvH BGs, both factions have the same ability to make premades. In fact, HvH should actually improve your life as a pug, since now you’re no longer facing Horde players who’ve been waiting for an hour in the queue and are thus both fresher and more motivated than your group to actually win the BG. Now, being Alliance pug would be no different than Horde pug.

Are we playing the same game? The last 2 days of HvH have been a nightmare for Alliance pugs since you faced 90% premades, not playing aka afking was the way to play

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And how do you avoid those same pugs as Horde, exactly? I thought you’re pretty much playing in the same queue now.

Transfer to a better server, I had to.

Initial results analysis in a nutshell:
Most cars have 4 wheels, the sky appears blue for the most part and trees generally grow upwards.

We knew these from before the “test”. The only thing that will not remain 50-50 after this change will be the alliance / horde ratio. Simply allies will be exterminated as nobody will be incentivised to play. If devs fail to forsee this, guess it’s time to up the hiring requirements a little bit!

Time to reroll alliance too I guess, if u wanna do battlegrounds that is. Otherwise you could find a heal in a matter of seconds by playing the majority faction.