Testing of Same-Faction Battlegrounds Will Continue

It took hours to find healer+tank on my horde-majority server so I paid to transfer to a better one. As for BGs, nah I’ll just wait for Blizzard to re-enable FvF next week. I’m levelling a human rogue for WotLK but only very slowly.

Your mentality destroys the nature of the game. It’s sad a lot of people have it, but hopefully not the majority. Ofc money > all for every company, so only time will show.

What mentality is that? How is it any different to mentalities in vanilla? Did not servers die then too? Of course they did, I transferred off Alliance Trollbane early TBC because it went from having a healthy pop in vanilla to dying in TBC.

Min-maxing mentality. Buffing the horde in any way will lead to disappearance of alliance over time.
People have no reason to play alliance outside small queues for bg. Horde having instant queues will make everyone want to play horde. Who would prefer to play for the minority, if the majority has all the benefits?


Telling us you have the key to fix the problem, but still not using it. You have allrdy used to long time to fix issue. Such a shame.

Happy to read the results, thanks for sharing. Now we’ll see what happens. The alliance will cry, the horde will be happy if this is (permanently) implemented. Let’s see.

I consider the entire situation as a fraud - you had sold me the classic version of the game and then changed it.


Good thing for you that the game isn’t a one-time purchase. You can subscribe so long as it’s unchanged then cancel our sub once the game gets fixed so everyone can participate - thereby ruining your fun.

They did say they would go from #NoChanges to #SomeChanges and this is all for the better. We need to evolve, take the best from the past and combine it with the best of the present and aim for a better future.

I have never seen much more determinated internet warrior than you after looking at your post, keep fighting mate! You make no sense in any post but hey at least you are trying :slight_smile:

Original WoW devs admitted the disbalance in racial skills and its very negative effect on the game, so this is where the work on the population disbalance and related issues needs to begin. Some buffs for Alliance racials - especially for Draenei because their only real racial is the ability to be shaman. Horde has it much easier in terms of bigger fights - ie Battlegrounds - with a lot of CC being used in the initial moments of a group fight, while Alliance has racials that mostly have a very narrow use but can be good in that special niche.

Ie: Gnome racial is touted as THE racial for the warriors, but to be on the Horde level of “good” it should offer 3-4 seconds immunity to roots and don’t feature some random resists. AND gnomes would need at least another extra as passive to be on the same level of an orc or undead.

And then some general buffs for the minority faction on the server, be it horde or Alliance: Xp buffs in 25-30% range and buffs to resource gathering amounts to make leveling and gearing up easier, and then a minor buff to honor gain somewhere in 10% range to not disturb pvp progression too much but still offer a bit of motivation to be on the less numerous side.

It is really strange that after so many years and after everyone knew what and why it would happen if nothing changes, Blizzard still decided to smash face first into the same pile of poo again.


Not my prob if your reading skills are worse than 1st grade students dude. I make sense to those with common sense. Chimps are a different category for the most part :wink:

i’ve never seen alot of CC in bgs, someone is lying… its just zug zug from both sides

When are u opening Alliance to horde faction changes ?

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Since this works as Blizzard has already said and even though they might want to do sone tweaks why can’t we have this enabled as it already was since as a horde it’s so frustrating having ques back where they were and just waiting “for some time” for new testing without any date information or how long the testing will be. Couldn’t it rather be ongoing, data will be analyzed frequently and required changes will be made when needed but without having this on/off situation

I wont login till its live. I am not that stupid to wait 1 hour for 21 honor.


None of you will be missed. You made the choice to play horde knowing about the long queues.
The only fair change would be to give free faction change for horde so that those who claim to suffer from the long queues can have a choice to reroll for fast queues, without affecting the health of the game.
If your faction matters more than the queue times, then stop crying and take it like men. It’s so simple really.

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This affect nothing, horde will just can Battleground.

Actually horde can’t play game because 1h15 queue, and between queue they farm alliance lv 61+ on outdoor PVP to gain 20 honor point. I’m not sure you prefer that.

If Blizzard does nothing players will just unsubscribe, especially casual people with 3 hours game time per day.

1st of all, as the “research” claimed by the blue poster says, this isn’t really the case.
Secondly, of course it will affect the game, taking away the last incentive to play alliance.
If this finally goes live, then just give faction change to alliance and watch them all go horde within a month.
Sure you can be selfish and ignorant to the problems this is going to cause, but it doesn’t mean you are right dude.

So the only reason that players are playing alliance now is that they can play Battleground and the Horde cannot, interresting. So instead of changing the racials and making alliance more attractive, we avoid horde from playing in PVP, the marketing plan need to be reviewed.

And the research claimed by blue poster consern the same faction battleground, he does not talk about PVP outdoor before the test. On my server horde chainkill low level beetween queue for honor farming.

Being able to play the game shouldn’t be an advantage, especially by paying 13 € per month.