Testing of Same-Faction Battlegrounds Will Continue

Someone here doesn’t realize that even with free faction change from Horde to Alliance only small margin of players would transfer. We just don’t like playing with people from Alliance, I played both factions for a long time and I would never go to Alliance again. We just don’t want to play with you snowflakes.

The same here. I need just one piece to be full pvp equipped, and just can’t do it. Premade after premade, I just lost the will to play. Tried PVE a little, but assuming 25 ppl in raid, the chance of getting a loot if you are not sticking out of leader’s butt is so miserably low that I feel I’ll quit really soon.
Even if they bring it back, it’s just too late … During test there were 100+ ppl in front of BG npcs, after few days there were like 10. Everyone got what they needed and are done with battlegrounds. Same as alliance, they can farm whole set in no time and then they have no good reason to queue again what is only increasing queue times


No sir you’re incorrect. I didn’t know this when I started to play classic after quitting wow at the beginning of mop and also my 10+ irl friends played on horde on same server when I started classic so that pretty much determined the faction even I would have known the que issue.

10 plus irl friends playing wow on the same server? What are you in school or something? :rofl:

Dunno if you know kid but this is a classic remake. Us OG dad gamers like our RP games to be RP games.

Thats right, when i was your age i found out about horde pvp queues and decided i wanted to pvp more, so i rolled a gnome warrior and set off on an adventure.

Get good.

New casual players are actually much more likely to take a quick look and see what is most popular and go with that- that is just human nature. If they see huge imbalance they will go with the bigger faction. If they roll alliance on a pvp server they will realise very fast their mistake and either reroll Horde or quit.

I’ll take your wager.

Give me a break, I’m 33 so yeah I did play wow since it launched.

Yeah man, you dont to see zugs when someone mentions racials balance, they want to keep their advantage

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Can you “analyze” the data of how many alliance players are rerolling horde or quitting the game, Bobby?

Because your genius bandaid “fixes” like HvH BGs etc. have not helped the alliance population and its getting harder and harder to recruit players for our guilds on the alliance side every day. I’m talking about PvE here, maybe it is just that alliance has 0 benefits from racials in PvE.
2 months ago, I used to get way more applications for the guild, way more players for pugs etc. now alliance side feels deserted as most hardcore guilds already rerolled and all there is left is a bunch of dad gamers.

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You sure? I mean, youre that stupid to roll horde even though everyone knew how the qs would be…

Bring it back ASAP!!!
The ques are long as hell… i dont care for the alliance i just wanna pvp and im not “gonna re roll” cause some idiots wants to keep it like this cause it gives them “opportunity” to farm honor/marks while horde has to wait 1hr for AV, 30min for AB/EOTS/WSG… its stupid

Or atleast bring in Free faction change for those servers who are unbalanced like 30/70

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Thanks for this post. Exactly what needs to be said.

But on top of that, I want to add: WoW is mostly a “PvE game” and most players play for PvE. And PvE progress is harder on the minority faction since there is a very limited supply of players and crap racials with no PvE benefits make it nearly impossible to “parse” into that 99 percentile most people want to be in.

And just because of that, Alliance keeps bleeding in the hands of Bobbylizard day by day.

Faction imbalance has reached to the point of no return, the bandwagon continues as Bobby only wants to give the dominant faction more reasons to do better. And actual “data” unlike Blizzard’s corporate bs shows that even in the last week another 0.5% of the playerbase shifted from A to H.


Every single week, for many months, the faction imbalance increases. It will end up in 90%+ horde soon enough and nothing is being done about that. The playerbase has shrunk so much on the alliance side that it is impossible to find players for any pug.


33 with 10 plus irl friends playing wow? Sorry mate you’re talking absolute bs :lying_face:

Can I have your gold retail Andy?

Jeez, no wonder devs don’t read forums. You can’t please anyone in this game.

Everyone was a lot happier when Bobby didn’t stick his nose into classic and we had “nochanges”.
Even with the world buff meta and raid logging. Was still a better experience.

naaaaaah it wasnt :slight_smile:

All horde is stupid and all aliance is brilliant?

What a moron…

Could even be saying that the horde is quite clever, knowing daddy Blizzard would come to the rescue of its favourite child.
So against all odds pick horde, must-have-OP-racials, and then just count on daddy Blizz.


if you had atleast a fraction of a brain you wouldn’t say that

It is what is happening. Horde does get the help it should not get. So where am I wrong?

Or are you gonna pretend again you chose horde because friends playing there, lore, casting animations, the beautiful cities?

Because that stuff is truly getting stupid now.

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