where else would they test population based changes?
I dunno, retail. Their tests provide data in the span of what? 5 days? Apparently their test points are not really sophisticated either.
No way ally win ratio is 50/50 rofl unless premades only
I want my guild only lair so we can down a wboss in mu populated server its not fair to pay 25$ and not being able to kill it due to other pol paying 25$ QQ
A layer for myself would be nice i can farm all the motes and nodes i want lets do it private layers for everyonee!
Haha, now alliance players can’t say anything, because the change clearly supports them too! This change is amazing and makes the game alive! It will also bring back tons of players…
why not enable it in a few days?? it makes no sense
Revert it or introduce faction change.
This wasn’t a deal at all. Alliance has another problems due to hvh. Blizzard can’t understand it just like horde fanatics
Sub canceled not playing untill que issue is fixed.
Nice! But…
Please consider preventing full pre-made from Encountering full team of random solo queue.
Fast queue times is an ideal situation. Why prevent people from enjoying this? - what is this strategy? Want to bring people to play retail? No Ty. Bring back this excellent idea once again. If I’m having two hours of play time this solution was just perfect. Implement it permanently already and do something with premades. This would not alter the nature of TBC rather enhance it.
Do you have actually some reliable source of data for this? This has been said zillion times already on the forums, yet not proven right.
The only other thing I could possibly think of to improve this system is to implement the Wrath of the Lich King battleground rule of only allowing premade groups of 5 - or possibly implementing a solo queue option. Regardless, even if there is nothing done about premades, I’m happy to just be able to get into battlegrounds.
Well, the question is…
Is this across ALL realms or per realm?
Likely premades, yeah.
Wouldn’t really mind horde getting faster queues, but this doesn’t state whether it’s realm only or across all realms.
Yes, this is actually devastating, embarrasing to the most of local alliance trolls.
However, I’d be really happy if Blizz openly spoken about faction imbalance and brought here some important data.
Need to know whether it’s across all realms or per realm before establishing this tbh.
While I agree limiting (let’s say solo Queue) it to 5 ppl maximum per server/BG, people doing premades don’t want to meet other premades - which is my guess. They want to stomp random guys in 6 minutes for fast honor.
Premade X Premade: That could increase Queue time for premades and make people lose interest in it - unless, there’s some “For The Glory” % honor increase buff.
That’d be true challenge. Harder games for more honor and fair at the same time? Yes!
You dont actually belive what they are saying do you
Thank you blizzard.
Ever since you disabled HvH every BG I’ve queued into I’ve faced an Alliance premade, which have without a doubt increased in number ever since HvH was disabled. Completely disgusting unplayable experience. I’d struggle to get any honor from pvping all evening.
They are not lying as such, this is most likely what you get if you compare data across all servers. It’s a bit disingenuous but in a way it’s probably true.