Testing Same-Faction Battlegrounds in Burning Crusade Classic

So you are removing the only advantage to being alliance? Now you might aswell delete the alliance faction as a whole. Horde got both the numbers, the racials AND queues like alliance now. Why be alliance anymore?

The Burning Horde Crusade


Im happy to unsub , how to destroy the balanced of all the faction with 1 thing.
Welcome to World of Hordecraft : The Undead Crusade
Wait and see the massively 80/20 horde alliance pop, good luck guys xD


Wait so when world pvp happens because one faction outnumbers the other and anyone complains, its pvp happens on a pvp server. But when people who want to “pvp” all join one faction allow them to fight each other is the solution. This is exactly why people stopped playing retail and now you are going to ruin what little hope we had for TBC classic? Can you make it so PvE servers dont que with PvP servers now, so all the sweaties can fight each other?


Do i think blizz should look into balancing racials, ye sure i dont care. Do i think having queue times as an incentive for faction balance is cool? no fricking way, all you alliance whining about the only reason for playing alliance is gone trying to hold the majority hostage with 1 hr queue times, suck it up

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so happy (10 characters)

Same, im stopping the open world genocide.
I was forced to gank evryone 24/7. But with this fix ill stop.
Knowing the pain and hate of getting ganked i have no more need to do so now that i can que and simply relax.

faction change or ill hope every alliance player cancel thier subsciption, ill do.

Cool change. Solving an issue while not adressing the real issue. Any plans on buffing Alliance Racials? Every Man for Himself would be a good start! Or perhaps open faction change, there is no real reason to be restricted to a faction after all now is there. Also well done, working overtime to kill a faction.


Just unsub and try another mmorpg #nochanges


it’a not that hard, just reroll kek

#nochanges was deserted a long time ago, buddy.


I’ll be fine. I’m on an alliance dominated server. That doesn’t mean Blizzard’s reasoning makes any sense though. Their decision does fit the recent “make 100 forum threads and you’ll get your wish” trend though. If they continue along this path the game will be dead long before wotlk classic release.

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If you focus on numbers then youre a complete baffoon.
If you want op racials you can roll a priest dwarf or a human rogue etc.
If you lose arena because of 1 racial then sorry but u failed already.
You’ll be alliance because you have the nostalgia.
You’ll be alliance because your friends roll alliance.
You’ll be alliance because you enjoy the community and guild youre in.
Stop being a negative nancy or give other solutions.
Like lowering item cost or giving honour boosts.
And now ofc i can say to you, REROLL HORDE.
But i wont, because thats a stupid solution.
Thanks blizzard for the fix and response.
Spergy alliance needs to chill.


Ok thanks for this time.
I’m out.


Yees!!! Finally!

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I did the original reroll before TBC launch and we are only 4 weeks in. Gotta see what my buddies think first, they will probably just unsub tho.

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Hmmm. Kthxbai.

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can I have your gold? :)))

Alliance racials are fine. Stoneform is really good, perception insanely OP, shadowmeld pretty decent, Escape artist also really good for certain classes.

This thread really shows how immature hordies are.
Despite having all the advantages before the change they still think “They won” when they never lost in the first place, horde was always the popular and favored faction and now blizzard gave people yet another reason to just go horde.