Testing Same-Faction Battlegrounds in Burning Crusade Classic

The problem is that there is an inherent advantage in being on the dominant faction, and people need incentives to play the lesser one.
You might argue that this is not how it should be, but pserver experience showed that this was necessary to keep the factions balanced in numbers for the overall health of the game.
The health of the game is imo far more important that any principles of fairness that you espouse.

well i’m afraid you’ll have to wait for wotlk for that incentive then.
EMFH wasn’t introduced because humans “just needed that extra oomph” you know… it was a direct attempt at making horde players faction switch to alliance to balance population numbers and it worked to a degree.

but you can put thoughts of getting anything of that caliber for tbc to rest.

Is that why the Classic PvP tournament was alliance?
Stop making dumb excuses that horde racial are superiour lol…
Alliance have just as good racials…

Blizzard already did a drastic change by introducing HvH BGs, and seeing that they might do other drastic changes as well.
Whatever my “thoughts” are, it depends on Blizzard in the end here, not me.

Yeah, everyone that has been saying since 2005 that Horde has better racials has just been wrong, because some random guy on this forum says it isnt so.
And clearly, it’s just a random occurence that more than 6/10 players on pvp realms now just randomly happen to roll horde, when the classic realms had a slight alliance majority just some 6 weeks ago.
All just a coincidence of course.

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I am saying that the difference between horde and alliance racials is minimal… You are saying there is a huge gap and if you dont play horde you cant play pvp because of racials…
Which is just false because the alliance has also really good racials vs the current meta…

you know what other drastic changes they made, in alliance’s favor?

p2 bgs released ahead of time
moving horde cave south a year ahead of time in tbc
seal of blood for alliance
free server transfers from pvp > pve realms for alliance (which is funny because now you guys are complaining about population imbalance on pvp servers while back then you were arguing that you ABSOLUTELY NEEDED THESE TRANSFERS) reap what you sow i guess.

am i forgetting something? i’m sure i am, but i might edit that in later.

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That is incorrect.
You said there was no difference, which was what I commented upon.
I have said nothing about there being a “huge gap and that alliance cant play pvp”.

Read the post that I wrote instead of making a strawman argument.

Oke then tell my why u are against same faction pvp for the faction with the worst queue times?

For the same reason everyone else that is against HvH BGs.
It removes the last negative consequence of playing the overplayed faction, and removes the last incentive to playing the underplayed faction.

cry all you want the change is here to stay

We’ll see about that first, nothing has been confirmed.

This is just bullsh*t… When this happens not all Alliance will suddenly stop playing…
And not everyone plays for damn racials… Instead of crying like a baby maybe come up with a solution that does fix the problem the way everyone is happy with it?

Maybe you should ask your factions to participate more in open world content? Because faction imbalance is hard more than 40-60… some realms ofc dont follow this logic but some realms also have alliance dominated…

Instant queues are AWESOME! I’ve loved being able to jump straight into a BG.

This is a test though.

And it isn’t a fix.

Never said that all alliance might stop playing, that is unrealistic.
But the faction imbalance is already growing steady each week, and there’s nothing suggesting it’s gonna stabilize if this goes through.
Several servers are not already at a population balance point that isn’t healthy, which carries a real possibility of the alliance faction dropping to near zero.
As far as I understood from the sources I’ve ready, this happened on Stonespine when it quickly deteriorated from 2:1 in horde favour, to where it is now (99% horde) after alliance got sick of being ganked and started transfering to pve realms, thereby creating a snowball effect until everyone had left.
My own server (Golemagg) is already at this 2:1 ratio, along with several other servers (Venoxis, Razorgore, Mograine), with some having a 3:1 ratio (Shazzrah, Noggenfogger, Mandokir).
And this is not counting all the servers that are currently at 3:2 (horde majority), or near dead/actually dead.

Me “asking my faction to play more BGs” won’t fix anything, and I think you know that yourself.
What you are asking here is to ask an individual to change a structural problem, which just doesn’t work that way.

Finally, the absolute majority of pvp servers are now horde dominated, except a small handful on alliance side (earthshaker etc.).
It’s not like there is an even split here at all.

I am not asking your server to play more BGs… I said make them participate in more open world content. If you go to warcrafttavern you can see pretty accurate data on server faction balance…

Your server Golemag is on 60H-40A… which ofc is not in your favour, but it isnt destroying the server with 99% horde. Your faction just does not participate in other stuff than PvE and there for feels no need too exit the main city and therefor creating another problem which lets it look like you are alone on your server when doing quests.

So lets not put this whole problem on the Horde while alliance also has a lot they can do to make things better for themselfs…

And this change to give horde same faction pvp will not destroy alliance… This change will make less horde actually in the open world because they can now finally play BGs… so they wont be able to gank you… Have you ever thought of that?

This is a claim that has been repeated a lot on the forums, mostly for the fact that it’s such an easy cop-out to use.
Even if some horde are now in BGs, it doesn’t change the fact that when you play on the minority side you are still at a massive disadvantage.
Over the last couple of days for instance (when the BG change was tested), I was ganked just as much as before, and summoning stones still had 15+ horde at them at all times, making us unable to summon.
Heck, on Sunday we were even delayed for 20+ minutes because a massive cluster of horde (about 150 based on the fact that they were at least 2-3 times as many as the two 25man alliance raids outside) was actively trying to prevent any alliance raid from entering Gruul’s lair.
This happens every time we try to go Gruul, but this Sunday was the worst so far.

I really like the approach on doing this the way you introduced this in this testing.
In general for me this enables the horde the same way as the alliance to actually play together.
Before in classic vanilla, it was not possible for the horde to actually premade, wherein the alliance was doing it within every battleground.

For all the discussion around that horde is superior, I have to disagree - also the tournament showed that the alliance has no disfavor in regards to racials.

So all together, it is a great change so horde can actually participate within battlegrounds together, with friends, with premades and have the similar fun as the alliance has since +2years.

Really happy that you hear the feedback from the players.

(additionally I do not understand all the alliance cringe feedback in regards to this, it is literally making horde play same as alliance)

Maybe play on a PVE server instead? This is how the PVP realm works… This has nothing to do with the change on the BGs

“Maybe switch to alliance instead? This is how BG queues work”.
I can do that too.