I originally played alliance in real TBC, now i wanted to change something. By picking a faction you should not be hindered playing the game, and that is what is the case with this.
Same goes for me, I usually always played horde on retail vanilla and TBC, as well as pservers, before I decided to change it up this time.
Personally I’m used to 45 min + queues, and can safely say that the current alliance population is not good for the longevity of the game, and honestly doesn’t look sustainable even without HvH BGs.
Too many servers have fallen below what seems to be a threshold at where more and more alliance transfer off the servers.
I personally wish I’d stayed horde this time around, and rather just play as an alt when wanting to experience alliance.
Crybabies and whiners fraction: “cry cry cry” now to everyone who is opposite for this disgusting blizzard decisions. So pathetic.
Just explain to me real quick, why tbc pservers are horde overpopulated but vanilla pservers are pretty much balanced?
your guess is as good as mine
Well i see only logical explanation in racials, you disagree i think? So you should have something better
Very good solution for the ONLY problem of long horde PvP Queues, yes 100% true.
But a very very very bad solution for the deeper problem that is faction imbalance. This will kill in the long term the alliance and can’t believe how can blizzard not see it.
If that’s implemented me and my friends already planned to reroll/buy boost on Horde side as we are pvp minded and fast bg queue was by far the best racial. It isn’t anymore.
The only reason we suffered through horrendous h24 ganking (from same level groups or higher) was that short bg queue racial, keeping on would be dumb. Easy horde side, here I come.
back to “muh racials” huh… yeah not doing this again, its been like 4 times today alone.
Then what is the reason? Tell me, i am really really curious
i don’t know dude, like i said, my guess is as good as yours and i really don’t wanna argue about hypotheticals.
So you dont know, i gave you reason that alot of good players agree with,but it cant be this one, so its another reason that no1 cant ever find but it exists for sure
you don’t know either. you are guessing, just like all the other people who take one look at pop numbers and immediately resort to “its the racials, no doubt”.
No, its the best guess we have atm, by far in my opinion
exactly, in your opinion.
What is the best guess in your opinion?
aesthetics, friends, shamans over paladins because WF > entire paladin class design.
WF totem for raids for additional dps pump. (for classic vanilla)
TBC?? Blood elves.
Well, you described things that were in vanilla too
Except blood elves, you honestly think that cute blood elves are bigger teason for that unbalance than racials? When 40% of arena players are ud?
We are talking here classic x tbc difference
you said private servers
if you’re talking about TBC Classic (as in blizzard servers) then fore sure its a combination of UD having WOTF and the fact the FOTM class is warlock.
i already told you this in another thread, but did you notice that there’s no FOTM Fury warriors around anymore? that’s because those sweatbois all switched to warlock.
Oh, so you think that racials are atleast partly reason for unbalance? I am kinda confused now
I thought we were talking about something else in the different topic
i will agree that WOTF seems OP atm, but that has more to do with the amount of warlocks than anything else. once warlock is no longer FOTM, WOTF will fall into relative obscurity due to a decrease in usefulness.