Tetrachromancer - Part of the A World Awoken meta achiev

I have been trying to get the “Ohuna Companion Color: Sepia” for a really long time. I am doing many many hunts each day to max my chances, but it wont drop for me. Sepia is the only color i have left.

The fact that the drop chance is so low that you can do 150+ hunts and still not get the color you are missing, is a really poor gameplay design and it is encouraging a very unhealthy approach to the game. There is no reason for the drop chance to be this low.

And i know that i am not alone in this situation. Many pple spam these hunts over and over again, but without result. It is not fun.

@Blizzard please look into this and FIX it. Thanks.


I completed this in February 2023 when the hunts were still popular so it is very much doable. Maybe try another alt as the wowhead link suggests that you can get credit towards the achievement even if it drops for an alt.

There is still many pple who does it now as its a part of the meta achiev. It is easy to solo too. I have done it on alts too, but no drop.

Some pple are lucky with the drops.

Edit: And you shouldnt have to spam this on alts. It is not a good gameplay design.


1.4% chance on a purple weekly satchel,

Assuming you start this achievement, no amount of alts will save you if you’re simply unlucky.

Drop chance needs to be raised or a vendor needs to be put in place. “It’s very much doable” it’s a rediculous statement as you have no control over you getting it or not.

It would be doable if there is an end in sight, with such a low drop rate it is NOT doable it’s purely based on chance.

You don’t even have enough character slots to guarantee getting a color you need by doing a weekly bag on every alt. And that is assuming it would be a stacking chance which it is not.

0.4% chance to get it from a farmable white satchel. That’s lower than farming for a mount in old raids btw.

Absolute bad design and needs changing, they removed seething slug which was miles easier and chances were higher to do that than this mess.

Getting lucky early on does not mean it’s “doable” it means you got lucky, that is it.


Exacly! I really hope blizzard will come to their senses and do something about this.

I got the last colour i needed from a scout pack during a hunt. Make sure you are looting those too.

It’s not just with this requirement, it’s literally with every single event, achievement or stupid system that has been put into place for this expansion.

Blizzard thinking everyone has time to play 24/7 to meet all time requirements.

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To be fair, I just played the game and i have a good number of them already completed or mostly done.
Only people who have ignored the gameplay of this expansion would be so far behind.

Has nothing to do with “ignoring” the gameplay.
People simply do not have the time to meet every possible timesink.

And yet here i am. I only play a couple of hours during the week. Yet I am mostly done.
It was the same in Shadowlands when the meta was added, If you have just played the expansion content, you were mostly done.

Congratulations, one player who is mostly done.

That couldnt be more wrong. I have not ignored the gameplay and i have the time to play the game. I still dont get the one am missing.

You have been lucky, thats why.

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Thank you for the congrats.
Although not just me. Of my friend group most are 75% of the way through the meta. One ignored races and hunts so they are behind on those.

Not what my comment was about but sure go off fam.

No point in arguing with these trolls.
Better to make threads and get people to chime in so Blizzard sees the issue instead of quipping at people that don’t contribute.

It was tho

No is was a reply to someone complaining that the task was impossible as there were too many achievments. You OP is about one missing colour on one achievment.


Was just hoping to get Demonseed to see the issue and give him a chance.

No you should not, but the you get the purple satchel for the first hunt of the week so doing it on alt’s does increase the chances of perhaps it dropping and as it count towards the achieve does not hurt to try them all.

I can tell you that I did it on 4 characters per week while rep farming and got it very early on what I can’t tell you is which got which . Any way good luck with it and hope you get it soon.

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Increased Drop Rate? Tetrachromancer - Gameplay / Achievements - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

Another post about this issue on the us forums.