Texture flickering in World of Warcraft

Hello! I have a problem, the grass textures flicker when I move, most of the pavement, which are a bit further away, the character also flickers a bit. I can’t not care, because once it wasn’t, it’s terribly annoying. All I know is that before it happened I updated the graphics card driver 446.14. gtx 1050ti
Changing direct from 12 to 11 doesn’t work.
Oddly, installing older drivers also doesn’t do anything (442.74)
I have already fooled myself and I don’t know if this is how it should be,
I have set texture filtering to 16x


Do you have antialiasing enabled?
If not try CMAA or MSAA 2x or 4x.


I have the same issue that textures on grass/terrain/sky some times flicker when i move tho for me from all solutions only changing from directx 12 to 11 seems to work abit but its not a pernament solution


So I tried various options CMAA, MSAA 2x, 4x, 8x, lower graphics, turn off vertical synchronization, in the nvidia control panel, reinstall the game, computer, cleared the cache, registry, change direct, update any drivers, and even clean components from dust. It didn’t work, it must be a problem either from updating windows or blizzard or drivers. I don’t know what’s going on.


Hey. I’m not sure if people here are experiencing the same exact issue I am. But I too am having issues with flickering as of late. It has happened virtually everywhere at random, and game restarts tend to fix them for a while. For me it seems to be related to the games lighting in some way. As turning off SSAO seems to entirely remove the issue. See video for example.
www.youtube com/watch?v=Wc-V-dbscJk


What exactly am i looking for?
I can’t see a difference in the video you posted :smiley:

I can’t tell if you’re joking or not, but it’s the mount I’m on that is flickering.

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I wasn’t. You said the SSAO was causing the problem, so i looked at the buildings etc., not at your character :smiley:
Anyways, have you enabled the SSAO/HBAO in the Nvidia panel maybe?


Ah, fair.
No, I do not have it forced on through my control panel.

I was able to solve the problem, but the infinite because sometimes the textures continue to flicker, but I think that’s the way it is. I will write what I did, maybe someone will get used to it.

  1. I have removed Cache, Interface, WTF in the main game folder and started the repair.
  2. I have fixed various problems in the computer advanced system care.
  3. I updated all drivers with the driver booster program, somehow I didn’t have the current monitor driver.
  4. In the control panel I set:
    Texture filtering - negative compensation … - block
    Texture filtering - sample anitropic optimization - off
    Texture filtering - trilinear optimization - off
    Smoothing the edges - correct the application settings, 8x
    These settings apply to: global and program settings
    Unregulate image settings using the preview:
    use advanced 3d image settings
    Adjust the size and position of the desktop: no scaling -monitor - unchecked: skip the scaling mode settings by games and programs.
    If anyone has the option of enabling g-sync, I turned it on for windowed and fullscreen modes.
  5. I have scanned my computer with adwcleaner to remove any viruses.
  6. In battle-net in the settings of the general tab I restarted to the default settings.
  7. I added the -fullscreen command to the command line arguments.
  8. I have updated any windows update.
  9. Control panel-Hardware and sound-power options-balanced-change plan settings-change advanced power settings-processor power management -maximum processor state-100%
  10. I defragmented the disk.
  11. I restarted the computer.

I am having the same issue: textures of the open world keep flickering.
This looks like a solution: Go to System > Advanced > Graphic card and switch from autodetect to a card of your choice. Flickering stopped for me. It didn’t return even after I enabled Autodetect again.


Same here. If you don’t do that then the game seemingly requests an enumeration of graphic devices from the system in order to select the active one, it would do that before each single frame, which cuts into frame times and thus causes the dreaded flickering. Most people only have one or two (if using a laptop with integrated as well as dedicated GPU) so it doesn’t take long but can still be noticeable under circumstances.

Thank you! This is exactly what I was looking for as I kept experiencing this flickering effect also and it was starting to get really annoying.


I have this problem, I swapped to DirectX 11 from 12 and it fixed it but every time i reopen the game it reverts back to DirectX 12. My card was also already set to my current one but I reselected it to see if it fixed it and it just crashed.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mrXRZ4u48g it’s gotten worse recently for me. Recently updated driver for cyberpunk (and have done a full wipe and reinstall since)

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I have exactly the same problem since I’ve updated the drivers


Yeah the most recent Nvidia driver (460.79) has caused this issue to once again reappear for me too.

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Replying to raise awareness. I have the same issue.

Hello everyone following this.

I had the same problem. I tried everyting up above but they didnt help.

Disabling triple buffering fixed the issue for me, though. Not sure why.


I had it as well, but switched from dx12 to dx 11 and then it was gone, after the recent update it was suddenly on 12 again and it was back. Can reccomend trying this out to see if it helps.