Texture flickering in World of Warcraft

The flickering stopped as soon as i turned off Triple Buffering.
RTX 2060 Super 8GB

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I’m having the same or a related issue. Shadows of vegetation (only) flicker. My “solution” was to limit FPS to 100 FPS.

RTX 3080, 460.89

This appears to have resolved it for me too, thanks!

For ref, this happened on the last two sets of Nvidia drivers, using a 1070.


I encountered flickering recently, but not from the beginning of Shadowlands. I think it started somewhere on the second week of it. I didn’t change anything before, but yet it appeared. I tried updating NVidia drivers (1060), but it seems it actually got even worse. What helped for me: System > Advanced > Graphic card and switch from autodetect to a card of your choice. AND disabling triple buffering.

This worked for me! Fingers crossed it’ll remain fixed…

Thank you.

RTX 3080
Driver - 460.89

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Thanks, this actually worked for me!

it started when new geforce drivers installed. expect fixes or back your drivers.

Same here. 460.89 didn’t fix it.
Happens some times, but changing zones (portal, teleport, HS, etc) is almost a 100% guarantee for the bug to occur (esp Bastion).

Only helps for a while (just like changing any other gfx setting).

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Yea I realised that too. I’m sorry I forgot to update here. Now its fixed for me completely. I remember doing 3 things, its possibly the combination of those 3 which fixed it for me permanently.

1)Turned off triple buffering
2)Set the graphics card to gtx 1060(its my spec) instead of auto detect.
3)I turned antialiasing to MSAA 2x

I read somewhere on the internet that flickering happens when AA is too high, so I tried MSAA 2x.

Hopefully this works for everyone.

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Thanks for the update. But the combination didn’t work for me (made even worse, actually). RTX 2060S.

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Same issue here. Tried everything from the above mentioned suggestions.

This problem only occurs in WoW.

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I also have the issue with divers released in december, constant texture flickering in Revendreth and Bastion also SoA dungeon.

I used Display Driver Uninstaller to clear up the drivers and reverted back to 457.30 - the issue is gone. Using RTX 2060 SUPER.

I didn’t really bother with any workarounds or messing with settings it’s pointless, fastest and safe solution is revert to older drivers, you can find them on nvidia website.

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Also tried that.

Didnt do anything for me.

GTX 1060

Also on GTX 1060. Same issue

I have some problem, but I can make it better if I disabled SSAO and Particle Density
Anti aliasing is none

I got this issue after updated the NVidia Driver to 460.89 with RTX 2070

It works only a short time :frowning:

I revert back the NVidia diver to 457.51 and it works

Yeah, I’m noticing this too. It’s really frustrating. :triumph:

2070 RTX Super and im also now getting texture flickering most noticable in bastion and also in heart of the forest by the sanctum upgrade npc the balls on the floor constantly flickering.
deleted drivers using cleaner reinstalled still doing it and fresh installed wow.

I have this issue. It seems when I change the anti antialiasing or triple buffering setting it goes away for a while but then comes back. Then I change the settings again to what they were before and it goes away. Pretty weird but it seems changing the setting “reset” the bug away.