Texture flickering in World of Warcraft

This worked for me too, thanks!

Hey all,

While the original thread looks to have been a different issue, most recent reports are related to a current issue with 460.xx Nvidia drivers.

For more info about that, check out this thread:

If there are any significant updates, we’ll post them here as well.

Thanks for sharing your findings and workarounds so far!

This actually worked for me. Nothing of other solutions. Thanks

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I have found a working solution to this.Change your windows update to insider at release preview level this will then install an update which is only a small update but all my texture flickering has gone.To clarify im still using the latest nvidia drivers also.


disable Triple buffering on advanced graphics settings did the job form me


Yes that’s what i was lookig for. It does the trick for now, thank you!

Textures are still flickering.
Do we have any info if nVidia released a fix to this?
It becomes like a ‘lightshow’ sometimes in game, really horrible.
I don’t wanna switch to DX11 as performance is significantly worse for me then.

thank you so much, this was driving me nutsand your solution seems to have fixed it. I hope it wont return.

Update: It’s back :tired_face: it only seems to help for about an hour, after that I have to apply this setting again and it works for another hour or so. really wish there is a permanent solution

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This has been happening to me the last few days, glad I saw this post and will try some of the fixes tomorrow :+1:

Can confirm. This fixed it for me!

If you are having this issue this week, it could be something to do with the NVidia 461.40 drivers. There is a post on their forums about flickering in Shadowlands with the current update.

Hi guys, only thing that has been an actual temporary fix for me is to change Directx to 11 from 12 as others have mentioned. Hopefully Nvidia will come up with a working permanent fix soon?

On this topic, does anyone know, or can Blizzard comment on what this may do for the in game graphics? are there any cons to changing from dx12 to dx11? I don’t notice anything, just curious.

Best fix is to just open settings > Advanced. From Auto-detect Graphics Card, click on your graphics card and hit Apply.
It’ll fix flickering while in game, but the issue WILL be back once you leave and restart the game.
It’s the only fix that is least painful for me atm, until nVidia fixes the Driver issues at least.

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Thank you sir and or mam, fixed the issue for me

Thank you!!!

Anyone getting something similar?Mainly happens in oribos when I open the shadowlands map.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-KVPmn1pnk&feature=youtu.be video of the issue.Wierdly the map UI starts to flicker before it happens on the map.

They pop up randomly on the shadowlands map only while I’m on oribos. (sometimes even outside of oribos)

I managed to cause the issue by having the shadowlands map open while using the teleporter to go to the 2nd floor in oribos.

Currently on driver 457.51

That’s the same bug that was present in BFA.

Seems the issue was riva tuner.Wow does not like Riva tuner being used to limit fps so I used the nvidia fps limiter.

You are a legend, works for me, cheers !

I was getting the same issue - Tried all the previous recommendations for fixes yet none worked (MSAA off, DX11, etc).

What has finally fixed it for me was:

  • Open up the Nvidia Control Panel
  • Navigate to "Set up “G-SYNC”
  • Un-tick the box under the “Apply the following changes”
  • The “Enable G-SYNC, G-SYNC compatibility” Should now be unselected

Yep, G-SYNC seems to be the culprit for me!!

All game settings set to how I had them & I’ve Been running the game now for 2 days & not had a single Texture Flicker.

Not sure if this option is present to everyone or only those with a “G-Sync” screen…

Came across this solution after browsing the forum & coming across another topic where users were getting a similar issue with flickering icons/windows.

Hope this helps some of you out there…

UPDATE - Since originally posting this (over 4 days ago), the flickering issue has completely gone so this was the cause on my Alienware Laptop.

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