So i just wanted to spread some positivity.
I just watched this video So thanks to Stoopzz and everyone involved to improve the pvp system. Im legit excited and so hyped for this. Seems like a system that is one giant step in the right direction. Huge improvements. More interesting incetives to continue to pvp.
I’ll be moving my tent inside arenas and camp. And tbh, i love the system because to my friends ears, who are new to the game, they find this very welcoming.
So thanks blizz for listening to the community and adding some good pvp incentives and reward system. See you everyone in Shadowlands!
Alrigth let’s watch it.
I guess we won’t have to PvE anymore, just spam rated arena for hours 
Hell yes, pvp all day everyday.
Yes, we are free at long last.
PvE is only transmog now collection from now on for me, PvE players are already complaining about it out of jealousy, lol.
I don’t know about the others but Stoopz, Venruki and Asmongold helped alot about this problem. Our tears worked 
No PvP stat, but still it’s a good change. Thank you Blizz.
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Indeed, thank you for this!
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I feel like they should add something to make pvp gear perform better in pvp combat, both open world and instanced.
If it ends up being raid or mythic gear is “better” then having a pvp vendor like this would be pointless.
So i don’t think they’ll allow that.
Personally idc how well pvp gear performs in pve, i just want to feel like my progress matters in there. And that if some mythic raider comes my way, he’ll get his behind pushed in.
I feel like they should add something to make pvp gear perform better in pvp combat, both open world
There is no seperated pvp gear.
There is just gear. Everyone is equal. I dont see whats wrong with it.
PVP gear was lame back in the day. High geared gankers couldnt die to someone in pve gear whom similary or better geared in wotlk PVE for instance.
Having same gear = player skill involved, which is what pvp should be about. Not the gear.
Well pvp is optional now. And even on pvp servers, the point was for you to accept that very fact that someone might gank you. But it also gave you the opportunity to do the same.
So now theres def reasons to do it.
But having same gear in pvp and pve, will still make gear matter and will only promote the fastest route to gear. If this is the case (which didn’t seem like it from the video) ppl will map out the fastest possible way to obtain gear and go down that route and we are back at square 1 in BFA.
That would just kill the game.
It gave me the opportunity to do the same in wotlk, but I didnt see a point.
If I did the same in PVE gear back in wotlk to someone geared sligghtly lower then me, I still wouldnt kill him and he would kill me, is all I am saying.
I am all for more routes, but routes arnt exclusive.
We have to play rated stuff now too, which for us, is a lot slower then for someone whom is always playing pvp.
We are meeting in the middle area here. Obviously you want the fastest way, it shoudlnt be exclusive to your side of content.; If you want the fastest way you need to do both.
Pve should NEVER affect pvp. And pvp should never be competitive with mythic dungeon or raiding beyond lfr. Because pvp gear has to be entry strong atleast for pve and to do your normal open world content.
And idk about ur wotlk example, but pve gear, besides trinket, was useless in pvp. The only exception was Shadowmourne, because it was broken as hell. This is why resilience was sucha good idea.
So even if you had 25man heroic Lich King armor, you’d get smashed by someone with full arena gear. As it should be. The only issue was trinkets being a lil bit to strong, so you went pve to get those. Happened in tbc aswell. Hell even cata i believe. Could also be that some tier pieces was to strong, but i don’t know about any fully heroic geared people smashing arena players.
I don’t want fastest way, where did i say that? What i was saying was, that gear STILL matters, and if pvp is the same as pve, then ppl will map out the fastest route and still get an edge in pvp. This is why you need to separate them.
People have said it since dawn of time, you cannot combine those 2 and expect good results. And according to what the guy said in the video, this is what they did. But i don’t know to what extent.
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I don’t want fastest way, where did i say that? What i was saying was, that gear STILL matters, and if pvp is the same as pve, then ppl will map out the fastest route and still get an edge in pvp. This is why you need to separate them.
But having same gear in pvp and pve, will still make gear matter and will only promote the fastest route to gear. If this is the case (which didn’t seem like it from the video) ppl will map out the fastest possible way to obtain gear and go down that route and we are back at square 1 in BFA.
That would just kill the game.
I never said you specifically wanted the fastest way. You should read context and you just proved my point by saying what I allready said which isnt fair to the people whom do PVE.
PVEers where free kills for people with good arena gear which shouhldnt be the case. It wasnt about skill then anymore.
The only thing that works if you scale player damage properly npc damage scale, really…
If you do pve, you will never encounter pvpers so i don’t know where you’re going with this? And if you want to do pvp, theres an entry gear + you have a super fast catch up, did you watch the video?
PVP is OPTIONAL. Not mandatory. There is no pvp server.
so to prepare for raid people will spam bgs? did i got that right?!
If it’s the faster route, then yes. If it is as Graytail said. Again, the video specified otherwise, with it having separate gear giving different stats, thats more sought after if you pvp.
So i do not believe this will be the case.
But if the gear IS identical however, then ppl will map out the fastest route, it happened before.
And ofc high end pvpers should be rewarded for the effort they put in.
Because using Graytails logic, mythic raiding gear should have identical stats to the heroic and normal raiding. Because why should they get the upper hand? Pve should be about skill, not about outgearing the content…
I know the upper comparison is not a good one, but i just find it silly, that pvpers shouldn’t be rewarded whatsoever, except with cosmetics.
Yea, and how do you have the same gear if one walks around with some super OP trinket from the final Mythic raid boss, another one from Mythic +15 and the one with the actual PvP trinket is the one drawing the short straw here.
They seemingly have sort of adjusted the PvE trinkets now, but it hasn’t been tested much.
Having a PvP set which is superior in PvP content makes us be able to face players with equal gear. If gear from any and all sources can be used, you create an unequal field.
But if the gear IS identical however, then ppl will map out the fastest route, it happened before.
You dont understand the point I am making why gear shouhld be identical and obtainable in equal matter accross pve and pvp?
Why damage shpould be scaled differently between players overall and npcs?
People will map out the fastest route regardless.
I never said heroic vs norm vs mythic raIding should have identical stats.
I also didnlt watch that video. Its 17 minutes long and I am watching world’s first of destiny 2 raid.
Yea, and how do you have the same gear if one walks around with some super OP trinket from the final Mythic raid boss, another one from Mythic +15 and the one with the actual PvP trinket is the one drawing the short straw here.
You make similar reward for PVP?..
How hard was back in the days for a dragon slayer to spam bgs and get Honor gear in order to not get one shoted.
Btw if you do a raid with your pve gear don’t worry about the pvp geared People, they would never get close to your dps atleast that was the rule back then.
First off, no i don’t understand why you’d make them identical. Because you can never truly make Pvp and pve equally difficult in order to make sucha system work.
It hasn’t worked for 16 years and it won’t work this time either.
Scaling was removed from BFA because everyone hated it and it should never make a return.
“I never said heroic vs norm vs mythic raIding should have identical stats.”
It helps if you read the comment. I said “using your logic.” I didn’t say “Graytail said this, direct quote!”
Well go watch the video before you wanna argue about how the system works. If you don’t know how it works.
Again with similar reward, you can’t. Because you’ll never be able to make them equally difficult . Either Arena will be easier or raiding will be easier. And ppl DO NOT WANT TO DO the opposite content to get its gear.
People have argued about this for ages.
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Player scaling vs npc damage scaling can be done differently. Games have proven that.
And I said you have to do both to get the max, and I am nto poeple.