Thank you for making SPs unplayable

Yep, but that pvp talent is a nerfed version of greater fade… 1 sec is simply riddiculous (and the previous iteration was 0.5 sec :rofl: )

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It’s a good talent, which will benefit a skilled players a lot. One could think that 1 sec is nothing, but it’s more than enough, if you have enough knowledge and you are reading what will opponent do, you can pre-fade. Also it’s on 20 sec cd with talents, which is crazy.

If the oponent knows what he’s doing, it’s very easy to bait Fade.

If you see someone running towards you, you literally have one second window to absorb something with success - let’s say, a retri stun. It’s not only a matter of skill, but there’s also luck involved, as well as knowledge from oponents - just like I can easily bait tremor totems before actually fearing a shaman.

Also, what’s the matter about the 20 sec cd, for a 1 sec benefit which doesn’t remove roots, and doesn’t provide interrupt immunity?

It involves mind games. With that logic you should never try to fake cast, since opponent can just not press the kick and you’ll end up fake casting to death. While luck is involved, you can reduce it by knowledge as I said. Pre-casting things are important, in that matter 1 second is useful for players who know how to abuse it. I personally witnessed good usage of it on venrukis stream. He and jelly said that it was very annoying but skillful ability.
Not sure about you, but i’ll make sure to use it whenever i’ll decide to play my disc. 20 sec cd button that removes all snares and makes you immune to dmg/cc for 1 sec sounds good to me. Whether i’ll succeed or not is a different topic.

This is literally what happens once you reach a point where your enemies have a brain and don’t easily fall into baits

I didn’t say there’s no skill involved. But it requires skill from both parties, and it’s not as meme as you may think it is - obviously, when successfully used, it’s golden - but the window is a very tiny one, and enemies will fastly learn how to play around it

So are you just standing and waiting till they press kick randomly or fake cast to death?

SP has to hardcast most spells now. You have three options:

Fake cast with success (gets way less successful the higher you go)

Fake cast multiple times unsucessfully, therefore fake casting to death or until your mate manages to score a kill

Eat the interrupt (you can, on lower ratings, bait a kick with holy school, but again, enemies at a certain point will know what they should kick), just to be met with two other interrupts and/or reflects/groundings/etc. Have you tried to play as SP against double melee training you, and a resto shaman on their team? good luck getting casts out, especially void torrents / mindgames / spike insanity

i am interested in what option are you using.

I haven’t. I have tried playing affli lock tho, which has 1 magic of school, if we don’t count soul rot which is on 1 min cd nature school. Also you don’t have stun and silence, like spriest does. So if you think that getting trained by 2 melee is struggle on spriest, you are getting it twisted. Compared to affli you have a luxury. If you are not the main dmg dealer, at least you can setup a kill.

Lol what is this ‘’ stun / silence ‘’ thing every time people speak about sp, like the entire classes got cc or spammable cc come on xD

As aff it’s rough for sure you still got tankiness and some kind of mobility that priest doesn’t have.

Affli has a LOT of passive tankiness and survability, a major defensive CD sitting on 45 sec CD, can horrify and snare the two enemies on their face, can aoe stun, has port to out of los, has gate, and Affli dots do impactful damage, has access to interrupt immunity, and has a proper dispel protection on their main ability compared to SP’s joke one

Despite that, I do firmly believe Affli doesn’t have an easy time when being trained (most casters don’t), but if you think SP has a better time, I’d invite you to try to play SP and tell me how satisfying it is, especially now that 90% of our instants are removed, we can no longer apply our three dots instantly, our only spender doesn’t have dispel protection, and our burst CD is a freaking hardcast

I don’t think you understand what’s difference between you throwing instant stun/silence into fear on target and spam fear or sheep. Fact is that it was such a strong combo that spriest/assa/x everyone was playing that comp for few weeks, but eventually both got inevitably nerfed.

Yes, warlock is generally tankier than spriest, but that’s because warlock is designed to just do dmg. It’s a case where you yet again struggle to admit that spriest is a support spec. You are not meant to just stand still and do dps. It has one of, if not the best utility in game as caster.

It doesn’t matter how your class or spec plays. Whether you are affli with 1 magic school, spriest with 2 or destro with 3. When you are trained by 2 melee it isn’t fun and you hate yourself. But so is melee when they are trained by 2 caster. You can’t let caster free cast this days, we both know why. Assa isn’t the tankiest dps specs, but spriest was the one being trained most of the time during awc, because you can’t afford to let em do whatever they want.

Thing is all spec got a way to setup, sp isn’t better just cause you can drop both at the same time also there is a cd on it and silence got nerf.

I swear I’ve seen this ‘’ stun/silence ‘’ in any sp thread like it is the reason why sp should be average at max.

Also sp isn’t the reason why rps was insane, assa 4 poison and stacking ms + shiv was (as well as the insane pressure 24/7 from the rogue).

So dot the dot protection isn’t Affliction the better partner instead of demo?

Idk…we do way more damage, we have to cast way too much…
But other than that …if a decent arms decide to kill you…you die. Theres nothing you can do about it. So nothing realy changed.

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Every cc got nerfed. DR exists, can’t spam poly or fear forever, poly got not only initial duration nerfs, when you spam it chain lasts even less. Your cc shares 0 dr.

You see this in every thread brought up by a multiple people, but you still fail to see why it is brought as argument. Sounds like a you issue ngl.

So, according to your logic, SPs should not cast and should not be able to kill targets, or do damage at all, because stun/silence (even though most specs have much more opressive setups). Gotcha :+1:

Tell me a specc where you cant argue with “they have this” combo x)

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And it’s ironic coming from a frost DK, who can lock down a healer with an absurd combo of CCs like gripping > disorienting > stunning > silencing sequence

Nice strawmanning. So according to you your hardcasting spells should hit harder than chaos bolts, dot applying must be instant and do more dmg than affli dots, you should also be tankier that walock and also being able to cross cc whole team while doing all this. Gotcha :+1:

Now you just sound quite upset when noone said they should have all of it. The issue is theres no punishment to dispelling shadows dots. They need to use that dot to pressure and do more dmg, same with afflic. But afflic have a good dispel protection. Thats the difference on that part. Did someone ask for EVERYTHING aff locks had? No.

Comparing classes/speccs has nothing to do with saying they want it all aswell. We dont need another 10.0.7 ret release.

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