Thank you for Thiernax, blizzard

You used it to insult me, so it is

I didn’t use it to insult you, I used it to describe the views you were portraying. That’s like saying ‘Republican’ is a slur because some people don’t like the views of a Republican.

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thats like saying calling someone a “dumb dumb” is a slur

Views that I don’t share, insulting/offending me in this way.

Honestly, I think Johnfred might be right. You are a troll just here to wind us up.

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Okay, so you say you aren’t transphobic. Okay, if you say so. Still doesn’t make it a slur. And doesn’t make the gay ghost deer not gay.

thats not what slur means.

yes we are. and yet these threads keep popping up and blizzard allows it yet i say a word which isnt even a swear word or any thing, and get a 3 day ban.

they’re showing where their priorities lie with each action.

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What’s wrong exactly with a thread showing appreciation?

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Nothing. Nothing at all.

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Im just saying that should be more cautious becouse a clarification or a retcon could make you deluded/disappointed towards ceirtan characters/NPCs

Especially when some characters are vague like that 2

Then you could have just said that from the beginning instead of going of this tirade of nonsense lol.

You where the ones starting it not me.

Incorrect, but go off I guess.

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Lmao :rofl:

10 chars

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I made various example of how they can also be interpreted.

Then you came on me saying that I have no logic and making real life examples that don’t have connections with those 2 characters.

No, what actually happened was you began shoving your own ideas down our throats about how you believed they weren’t a gay couple, and I told you that your headcanon was totally fine! But asked you politely to go discuss it elsewhere, since this is an appreciation thread for the headcanon that they are gay.

Then you turned around and started insisting that we were the ones being illogical because it “made no sense” for them to be gay even though it literally makes perfect sense for two married men to be gay.


becouse i pointed out that they are not men by their racial persective but different beings so the same way of reasoing cant be used.

Mate he’s a gay homosexual man, it’s a confirmed thing, get over it.

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as i wrote before.

and to be a man you must be of a humanoid race with they arent now