Don’t bother. He’s on an everlasting loop, going on and on and on. He’s not gonna stop til we all stop responding to him.
They are men. Gay men. Pack up it, go home. Go find something else to whine about.
All you are doing by continuing is prove my point that you are the one who is forcing this on us.
Here is my invitation once again: You headcanon them as not gay. Yay! Good for you! However, this is a place for those who do headcanon them as gay, so instead of trying to interject your views, which we do not agree with, you could go make your own thread and see if maybe anyone else has the same headcanon as you! Because none of us here do.
are they humanoid?
Stop forcing your ideas on us.
Rofl lmao
Omg… I lack words for this
So yeah anyway, really nice that they added that, also really happy about Pelagos which I just learned about. Also Flynn and Shaw that was a huge shocker. I love the idea of these manly men who are also gay. It reminds me of that one comic with the gay AU Wolverine who’s in a relationship with Hercules. Just buff badass dudes fighting enemies together. I’m so excited for Shadowlands to release so I can play through Ardenweald and meet Thiernax.
what i am forcing, that you cant compare them to us?
that’s logic
No, you are forcing us to listen to you drivel on about your ideas that we do not wish to partake in. If you want to talk to someone about it, go make your own thread. I will now be turning my attention to appreciating LGBT characters in WoW, as the thread was designed for, because I think I speak for myself and others when I say we’ve had enough of you.

So yeah anyway, really nice that they added that, also really happy about Pelagos which I just learned about. Also Flynn and Shaw that was a huge shocker. I love the idea of these manly men who are also gay. It reminds me of that one comic with the gay AU Wolverine who’s in a relationship with Hercules. Just buff badass dudes fighting enemies together. I’m so excited for Shadowlands to release so I can play through Ardenweald and meet Thiernax.
who is not a real trans either, becouse it’s a female that reincarnated as a man and not someone that changed his current phisical gender from one to another.

So yeah anyway, really nice that they added that, also really happy about Pelagos which I just learned about. Also Flynn and Shaw that was a huge shocker. I love the idea of these manly men who are also gay. It reminds me of that one comic with the gay AU Wolverine who’s in a relationship with Hercules. Just buff badass dudes fighting enemies together. I’m so excited for Shadowlands to release so I can play through Ardenweald and meet Thiernax.
You know what same. I was adamant that I, a druid main, was not gonna have them be Ardenweald because I need to be “not like other girls” lol. But then I found out about Thiernax, and also I’ve heard that Bwonsamdi appears in the Ardenweald campaign which makes my Zandalari heart happy, so I think I shall be going allll stereotypical for my main.
Now I’ve seriously had enough of you. This is flagged for trolling.

Now I’ve seriously had enough of you. This is flagged for trolling.
then i suggest you to read the meaning of the word “transgender”
God, troll lore is some of my FAVOURITE lore in the game, my most played character is a troll hunter after all! Bwonsamdi returning and an entire dungeon around his realm? YES PLEASE!
I don’t refer to your use of transgender. I refer to you continuasly keep stalking OP with your trolling, trying to force your way of thinking on him.
Yes, troll lore is so interesting! Definitely one of the reasons I main a Zandalari druid.
The other reason is so I can turn into a dinosaur.

That troll has taunted me one to many times for me to like him

I don’t refer to your use of transgender. I refer to you continuasly keep stalking OP with your trolling, trying to force your way of thinking on him.
you are the one staliking and insulting.
and i have reported you for that as trolling and spam.
I can’t wait for the inevitable marriage quest, where we have to follow Aggra…sorry I mean Flynn around, who calls out to Shaw who got split into several different personalities!
Personally, I am pretty indifferent towards romances. If they add something to the story alright…but for the most time they’re added for cheap drama and without much overall impact. And sometimes they are outright cringy.

Yes, troll lore is so interesting! Definitely one of the reasons I main a Zandalari druid.
The other reason is so I can turn into a dinosaur.
I have to play a Zandalari druid at some point, currently my Zandalari is a priest because I really wanna play a priest of a loa, but the druid forms for Zandalari are amazing, they really upped their game with kul tiran drust druids and zandalari dino druids.

you all can go be mad about it.
I need pics as proof in order to be mad.