Thank you for Thiernax, blizzard

I feel like its pretty obvious why it matters to anyone who knows anything about the history of any minority group and how we generally get treated


I honestly don’t understand why people need to feel “represented” in a video game.

It’s a completely different World from ours, it has nothing to do with our world.

Shadowlands spoiler here. Click if you want to read anyway.

I suppose it will matter quite a lot, since Thiernax had to share the power of the Night Warrior that he gained at the time because he could not handle it with his husband - which kills both of them.

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Is this the new vegan meme?

“I’m gay and I demand attention!!!”

I really wish they would stop ruining all the games with these backstage agendas


“Shoving heterosexual relations down my throat”

So you are saying that with these posts and outcries of yours you aren’t shoving your views down our throats ?

Games should not intertwine with politics, nor any specific agendas. If you like the game you play the game if you don’t like the game you don’t play the game.


Dude is literally just thanking Blizzard for saying there is a character like him in the game
 What about it is an outcry? Have we been on the same forums lately? Literally almost every response and post made have been anti LGBT lately.

I am honestly starting to lose sight of what’s what here anymore who among you genuinly mean what you say and who really just have a homofobe agenda behind what their saying.

In particular I can’t wrap my head around this ‘‘It shouldn’t matter’’ And all that. If it shouldn’t matter. Why are you all constantly here talking about how much it shouldn’t matter? Why it should it matter which direction it shouldn’t matter?

Isn’t it fair that it shouldn’t matter just as much if there are same sex couple. as when there isn’t one? If you all really meant that sentiment, You wouldn’t care either way it went
 But it’s adamantly clear who cares the most about this here of you. It’s outright scary.


Lol thanking blizz for representation does not equal shoving an agenda down your throat. It’s one couple in a game where probably over two hundred or more straight relationships are referenced in game be it obviously or casually. That’s about ten times lower than proportions of LGBT IRL
but still it’s “too much”.

And also double lols for people claiming politics has no place in a game like wow:

  1. sexuality isn’t political unless you make it political, which many straight people do so advocating for “less of it” isn’t discrimination, but simply “advocating for no politics.” Clever move, but not clever enough.
  2. all the while playing a game based around the notion of two superpowers struggling for dominance whilst trying to assert their ways of living in the world, which is a HUGELY political backdrop.

Question to the presumably straight “political” folks, when you express interest in a member of the opposite sex, are you making a political move? If not why not? How about if you say “my wife/girlfriend” is that a political statement? Why not it you don’t think it is?


As someone who comes under a minority group, I understand that seeing equality becoming more of a norm across society is a good thing. However, I don’t use race, sexuality, gender, disabilities (used the most common “minority” references just to make the point) as the things which identify me as a person.

I play this game for fun. I could not care less if an anthromorphised bull (Tauren) wants to make love with another bull or with a cow. I do not identify with that.

Granted, we all have different life experiences and you may be treated worse by others for who you are - which is not right - but I wouldn’t lose sleep over which fictional game characters are straight, bi, gay or otherwise.

Blizzard are doing a big push this expansion to introduce new skin colours, free sex changes, gay relationships to the game and have more equal representation that reflects a more modern society
but on a game where there’s space goats, magic, and alternative dimensions
it doesn’t seem overly relevant.


Em. I don’t really care though pal.

Sure I might not agree with what LGBT stands for because when you grow up in a predominately homogenous society, which values the traditions, you have your own views. Albeit, it does not mean I outright hate them, as if one individual hates another he is emotionally invested into them and I am not, cuz this is literally my first and only response to any LGBT related post. Ofc if you go out and physically attack a person just cuz they are different you are a piece of s1t and you should be buried beneath the prison.

However, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, as this is one among many LGBT related posts that have suddenly been surging up lately, it’s even worse on NA. Y’all have your opinions and I have mine and I’m kinda tired of all the “x groups” yelling “you have to include us into “y” platform, you have to do this and that”. No we don’t lol, respect is earned not given.


You all keep saying you don’t care. Yet you arrive in Legions with how much you want any mere presence of a same sex couple out of your game like it was the second comming of the black plague. It’s kind of contradictory to what a real person who doesn’t care would do. I must honestly admit I find it hard to believe you all. But I will take your word for it.

But until the statement. ‘‘It shouldn’t really matter’’ truly comes true, Both ways.
I belive this will keep being and ongoing vicious cycle*


Playing the race card in a thread about sexuality where race hasn’t even been mentioned? Perhaps you can point me to the forum function which lists what the sexuality and ethnicity of the poster is. Failing that, you’re just a bigot that’s automatically assumed that anyone replying in a non supportive way towards the OP is 1) straight and 2) white, and that makes people like you a part of the problem. So maybe you need to take a dose of your own medicine telling people to shut up.


So uhm
 I am the one who brought up the race card in this thread way back up there. When I did that I had all the outcry threads and posts that had been made about the new costumazastions and new skin toned npc’s added to the game in mind. And how people had made several complaint post about those in general.

Sorry. Imma go to the forum theraphist now and lay down a little. Mental health and all that. Getting way to riled up in these things for my own god damn good.


Asexuals unite! Death to the romance shoved down our throats!

But nah I’m used to it, so long as my character doesn’t have romance options that’s all good to me.


good that you got the representation you wanted

i dont get the outrage though, not like 95% of the playerbase would’ve noticed anyway if wowhead didnt write articles about it

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History is 1 thing. But this parade Look at me. I am gay. Is also becoming quite annoying. You are free to love whomever you love(within reason of course. No minors and etc.).

Why do we need to parade this? Should I also go out and scream look at me. I am straight


We celebrate pride month and have parades because we’ve been killed, beaten, and forced to be people we aren’t. If you don’t like it, you don’t need to comment on it or even discuss it. But celebrating our freedom is something we will never stop doing


So send them an email
 oh wait, you wouldn’t be getting much attention that way and that could possibly bruise your delicate little ego.

My response ? So what.


I more just wanted to chat with people who feel the same :’) its nice to talk to people who are also happy about something you’re happy about in a piece of media you utterly adore


Omega lol. Epic fail thinking expressing gratitude on a forum is attention seeking.
This of course applies to everybody and not just me I assume yes?
Everybody who has ever expressed any gratitude or complaint and everything inbetween should of just sent an email to blizzard instead right? Flawed logic. try again.

Take a second look at the forums by the way
 And look at who is really having their delicate ego/masculinity threatened by this. Who is really making all the attention here. Man the Hypocrisy is strong in the force these days.


This is what I keep thinking when I see posts like this. That these people must have some very weak personalities or very boring lives, that the only thing that makes their day is “Representation”.

What a bigot you are! :(((((((((((((((((((((((((

No but seriously, it’s this fanfare that follows every character that is not a “Straight white male” (Basically) that most likely makes it harder for people to really get invested in to these characters. Because why bother since that character is only going to be recognized as “Dem be gae boi”?

Get over yourself.

If we are arguing semantics, you could say that the Player Character is an asexual since you never have the choice to give any NPCs a snog.

It’s no wonder why people are starting to get annoyed with LGBT people, when anytime someone does a little pushback with trying to essentially get you to “Curb your enthusiasm”, you start behaving as if you are a victim of abuse or whatever.

As someone of the “Minority being represented”, I too think it shouldn’t matter or have any place other than a nod in the background.

It seems like you’re conveniently forgetting how EVERYONE hated the Tyrande and Malfurion storyline in Val’sharah. Showing that not everyone is interested in knowing who is bedding who in such an explicit manner.

Could’ve just sent a ticket or an email thanking them. Why go post this on the forums if not for a bit of cheap attention and to essentially shout about being gay?

I wonder why

It’s pretty selfexplanitory what it’s supposed to mean; “Representation this and that” shouldn’t be the first thing in everyone’s heads. People would more easily let it slide if there weren’t other people highlighting this and going “TANK U BLIZZ!!”

It’s hard to “Not care” when every time the gaydar goes off on a character, people start to either shower it with praise and act really annoying about it.

It’s been seen as a political thing for
 Who knows how long, disguised as “Basic human rights” in countries that has no strong anti-gay vibes
 Unlike some other places.

Did anyone ever say that? Sure there may have been one or two crazies acting that way, but overall people just have the sentiment of “Why does this matter? I don’t care about this, stop putting it in the spotlight”.

Honestly I have no real problems with this. I really wouldn’t care if these romances were set off to the side to then be oggled at all day. When it comes to main stories and sidequests, I just want to do them without having to be because I want to go help a couple with their S&M dungeon.

As Lynlia said: History is one thing, the present is another.

Are you still getting beaten or dragged across the street when you go out for a walk? No? Then what is the problem other than you wanting special attention?

Only reason I don’t run around screaming about my interests is because I am living in the present, and know that anyone wanting to shank me for liking both sides will get punished.

Also Pride Month should be discontinued, if you ask me.

So go to your local LGBT Discord group and talk about this with other like-minded individuals

The forums is the last place you should go.

 Really isn’t an “Epic fail”, despite what you might like to think.

Yeah, this is just a dishonest thing, because we both know that there’s a difference between thanking Blizzard for Torghast being a fun place to go to without any lockouts, and thanking Blizzard for something as vain as “Representation”.