Thank you for Thiernax, blizzard

Actually yes a lot of gay people still are


Don’t bother with Aibury, they’re a terrible person who comes to any thread like this to cry about the existence of gay people in a videogame. And then when you call him homophobic he does his typical “um actually im bisexual” act.


So go parade in the places where this happens?

Or maybe you won’t because your “Care” about it is insincere and just want to act like a victim on a forum from the comfort of your home.


“lol just go to Iran and get shot instead of trying to fix injustices in your country”
When are you gonna start whipping out the transphobic slurs on this thread?


first he was not the first night warrior.

second calm your horses becouse it’s not sure they are gay, they could have simply been a male/female coupple when their where alive and at their death they took their spirit form that are genderless.

Or their race can even been genderlees like some demons.

i dont consider them as a “gay coupple” as i dont consider Pelagos a “transgender”

Obviously a bait thread. 0/10. Lame and unoriginal.


Oh boy, here we go again.


No one hated Malfurions and Tyrande’s questline because of how straight it was… Get real here. It was because how cringe and bad it was compared to their character and how out of thouch with their character they where. Hello?

Yes and it would have reached a unpersonal staff member somewhere at a help desk somewhere who propably doesn’t even know he even works for Blizzard.
At the very least when one expresses it here it goes to show you mean what you say to some extent and you where brave enough to say so. You all hating here is a testiment to this.

Hypocrisy is what I’m betting on so far.

Yes you all say this. But the ratio tells differently, For the most part what we see is Hate posts and agenda for the most and a few rare appreciation threads like these inbetween. If you all really mean it shouldn’t matter then your doing at poor job in putting that to practice.

I simple couldn’t agree more on this. But acting like it’s the gays who are behind all the threads giving this attention is delusional. If not malicious.

Yes… Allot of people are saying this if your prode them further on why this doesn’t apply both ways. They suddenly appear to lean a certain direction about things.

Lol. whatever man, He did tho.

Oh yeaaaah sure. Because thats totally all there is to it isn’t it? Who’s being dishonest here truly? Sure ‘‘normal’’ or people of the ‘‘Majority’’ don’t get to thank Blizzard for that very often, Because they never have to struggle with being a part of it either.


ahh right thanks for the tip :slight_smile:


Hmmm… Interesting theory. Certainly would make a lot of these people start crying if it were true.

Yes. They did. People were annoyed with listening to Tyrande going on about “Malfurion, my beloved!” and Malfurion acting like a wuss while yelling “Tyrande, come to me my looove!”.

It is a double whammy: People were annoyed with the romance aspect due to how in-your-face it is, and likely annoyed in the same way people get annoyed seeing a boy and girl grope each other constantly at bus stops. Then again any kind of romantic groping is open to scrutiny if it’s done excessively in public.

Kinda the same thing.

Oh, so stunning and brave in the current year, to say that you have a same-sex preference, especially on a game forum from an American game developer… Get over yourself.

The most likely answer is because people are tired of seeing only gay people go around being explicit about their sexual preference. I’ve yet to see any straight people do this without it being all an elaborate troll tactic.

Browsing these threads, the first people who said anything about this were likely gay people showering praise and having a bit of a cry about how these characters are in the game. Then followed people who were obviously annoyed by how much unneeded attention was given to these characters.

Albeit both sides are at fault for giving this a spotlight, but I’ll be putting most of the blame on the side that thinks they benefit the most from this.

Velharia is a troll, I don’t suggest you take her words seriously.

After all she is a socialist who is also a bigot towards anyone who isn’t acting like an obnoxious person filled with pride who carries the “Gay” tag as an identity.

But since you were so eager to thank her, I can see what kind of person you are a bit more easily.


Why make a public display of saying thank you ? Wouldn’t a more personal (email, letter, phone call) approach show a lot more sincerity and meaning ?

I don’t feel threatened at all by any of this, as I said ‘So what’.

It’s a real life issue so keep it in real life, a NPC’s sexuality has no bearing whatsoever on the game or the story as far as I can see and if you’re so determined to do something about it then do it in the real world where you’re more likely to make a difference rather than on a game forum.

Also stop making assumptions, you don’t know my views on the subject, nor do you know my gender so any comments relating to either are just assumption and guesswork and therefore invalid.

Okey what? I literally never have ever seen a single person complain about how in your face and straight Malfurion and Tyrande’s relationship has been. This one is very new to me. The ‘‘My beloved’’ shouting and damsel in distress character Malfurion turned out to be. Yeah pretty cringe and poor for Malfurions character to be. Never thought of it as people having an issue with their romance. but guess I will have to give these comments a second look.

…Really isn’t the same thing at all. Thinking something is being cringy because someone is acting out of character. Is very different compare to opposing somebody’s relationship outright from existing.

Ahh this one I keep hearing. Let me guess, No one you know or within your near social circle has experienced any hate or discrimination so therefor any of it you hear about is fake news and over exaggerated isn’t it?

Because straight people have never been stoned and executed/hunted and hazed for simply being straight. It’s not a big breaktrough in terms of freedom when they are allowed to be in a relationship with eachother.

Well… We seem to have different observations on this one. But indeed both sides are at fault for giving this spotlight and saying it shouldn’t be such a big deal at the same time. I really do agree on that.


Well most of us don’t have Ion’s hotline number and personal E-maill for one.
And it’s been how we’ve done things formaly in our society for years now.
A public statement makes it formal and a declaration so to speak. Something you can’t go back on. (Could go for Ions twitter I guess, But I imagine people would be just as mad at that as anywhere else?)
It doesn’t just apply to gratitude but to awards. memorials. etc, We make it publicly to make it more known and remembered.

If it has no bearing and meaning then why is there such an outroar about it in the first place? I cannot wrap my head around this logic. Why are we having threads about how much we don’t care about something, If we don’t care about something? Hello?

That you don’t feel threatened is great and fine. I didn’t aim that one at you personally. Like I said, Take a look at the several threads and forums. And take a second look at the direction of the responses are making.


I don’t associate with gay people regularly, I can only speak on my own experiences.

The worst I got were some shifty gazes when people saw me looking enamored with anyone who was the same sex as me. And since I am not a weakling, their shifty gazes don’t phase me.

Then again my country is small and chill, and any serious crime that isn’t petty theft gets some hefty attention in the news. So if there were “Gay abuse” it would no doubt be a big deal.

I guess it depends on when you browsed the forums. I hop on here every now and then, and one of the first threads I saw were discussing about how great it is that LGBT “Representation” is a thing, followed by another one asking “Why?”, and then one that was negative about it.

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Everyone has access to either email, postal services or phone and getting a contact point for Blizzard isn’t exactly hard.

So you’re allowed to express your feelings on the matter but I’m not ? Sounds very one sided and hypocritical. Are you advocating censorship of any views that you don’t agree with ?

Accept and respect the fact that there are people with different and/or opposing views to your own, you may not agree with them but you can agree to disagree. This applies to poster from both sides of the argument.

Yeah sure. But you don’t honestly believe you would actually get to talk to the real people behind the decision making over a google phone number do you?
Or email for that matter. And if ions mailbox is public, I’m willing to bet his inbox is very full already. and he will most likely never see your letter.

Wait what? Where are you comming from with this one? I’m only holding people to their own logic. Same sex couples shouldn’t exists in the game because no one cares. Yet everyones on the forums hating about how much they don’t care about something. …Am I stopping you from having your opinion for saying this is how i see things and struggle to understand?

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Becouse most users here are unable to use simple logic, and if you use it they are going to call you a “rude disgusting elitists” by the herd.

Until there is a cinematic/cutscene/dialog where there is shown how they look when they where alive they are not gay to me.

TIL gratitude is better not shared in these waters. Back to moaning about black screens and pre patch scaling. :wave:


Gosh, didn’t you know that forums are only for negativity? How dare anyone be happy about anything here. Even we mostly-lurkers know that here you must only be grumpy and angry with Blizzard.


What ? saying that you don’t care for something is in no way saying that you think it shouldn’t be allowed, it’s people like you making those sorts of totally wrong accusations that are the problem.

Stop looking for something to be offended about and certainly stop twisting the meaning of what people say so that you can throw a hissy fit and be ‘outraged’.

Where did you get the idea that not caring for something means you hate it ?

Of course, with your attitude and interpretation of things you’re always going to have difficulty understanding anything.

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