Thank you for Thiernax, blizzard

free. :rainbow: :relaxed: :rainbow:

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THIS was flagged, just saying the truth will make me been banned again.
What kind of system is this shi.t? Bisexualphobia, stupidity of the personal or all at the same time?

Your post was flagged as trolling : the community feels it is inflammatory, extraneous or upsetting.


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Hallelujah, time to rejoice with the boys


You, my friend, have issues.
Doing something only to piss off people you don’t agree with
 That’s very childish and extremely petty.


That’s this person in a nutshell.
Their only beliefs are what will annoy other people, hence why they’re basically nothing besides hate. It’s a shame they’ve not been banned yet.

It is flagged because Blizzard had the brilliant idea to remove downvotes, so people created a new “downvote” system.

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Cause u aint horde,imo he is traitor,lorthemar for warchief!

I play both teams baby :wink: this is just my alliance alt.

For what? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Well, I won’t make this into a personal thing. I just make observations on what I read. But yeah, through their own posts they are not making a good case for themselves.

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You got flagged because you saw a persons post being happy about something and decided to rain on their parade just to get your kicks dude.

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Look, I couldn’t care less wether you’re gay, bi, straight, trans or a mash of everything. It is only your incredibly flawed reasoning I’m responding to. And like someone said, no one ever asked you, you are the one feeling the need to point that out like it would excuse your oppinion.

I’m done with you anyway. I have no need to defend myself from you.

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Yeah the skin of the people is too soft in this 2020.

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people have been turning into giant babies for the past 20 years if you ask me, get triggered by the smallest thing

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This thread has so much garbage in it.

People storming in here “I don’t care a fig about this but let me tell you my opinion (denoting care) about why you’re wrong anyway” like, just spare us the tedium.

Also “it’s not gay people, but the pride parades
the demands” similarly, how about just keeping your room temp hot takes to yourself. Last time I checked Thiernax referred to his husband, he wasn’t sending you on a quest to lobby Stormwind for gay rights, nor collect multicoloured leaves to form a pride banner. Not even close to the same, so why insert the “I hate pride” crap. It’s irrelevant.

Tbh it’s this “I’m not homophobic but I’m just going to bring up tons of stuff that is unrelated to this, happens to concern gay people, which I hate, but it’s okay because it’s unrelated” form of bigotry that really grinds my gears.

If I said I don’t hate your cat being in your living room right now, but I then go on a tirade about I hate cats in general, when they do this thing, or that thing etc. Would you really feel like I’m totally okay with your cat?
Even if I technically am, it’s just a knobbish thing to do. “I’m okay with your cat, but let me just trash other cats” what exactly does this add? Why do it? Either way the cat owner probably does like cats in general so doing so doesn’t exactly create a stellar impression either way.


Well, you did also get triggered by the reports, so it seems to be a pretty universal trait among you lot.

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“Omg people so triggered these days”

Complains about a presumably male stag talking about a husband in a game with magical elves and everything else

It’s like the definition of irony hit these people so hard it went straight through their face and out the other side.


So many uncomfortable people here

Just because it matters very little to YOU does not mean that being represented means nothing to everyone, to some people it can be very important.

Why is having basic empathy so freaking controversial.


LoL :slight_smile: 4 characters required.

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Aye, it is quite “Lol :slight_smile: 4 characters required” indeed.

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