Thank you for Thiernax, blizzard

Explain the homophobic intent behind questioning your homophobic/transphobic views. Where has anyone brought up/invalidated your sexuality? Where has Vixi, who seems to be your obsession nowadays, ever insulted you based on who you love/have sex with?

Okay, I’ll just say this:

I look forward to November 3rd so I can say “Four more years” on the AD forum, and watch you all have a meltdown.

And please, you have no idea what “Alt-Right” is :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah yes, I am the one obsessed with these people… Not they, who anytime they see me post, have to go “OH OH OH! Don’t look at Aibury, Aibury bad!”, while I don’t even acknowledge them before they do.

And I only mentioned the two once, when someone was asking about people from Argent Dawn.

She never has, and neither have I.
Like most people with his political opinions he can’t actually bring up real arguments against other people, just gesture and imagined hypocrisy.

“oh no. the US president, someone who has literally 0 power over my country halfway across the globe is a rich kiddy diddler, whatever will i do!!!”
You unironically going for the whole “trigger da libs” thing?

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“I’m not alt-right” says the person who speaks entirely like a 2015 “feminists owned” youtube video. And the funniest part is that you think Argent Dawn is some leftist wonderland; I promise you it’s not. The server has a lot of people you’d get along with.


Why did my post about being happy have to turn into a political nightmare hellscape :frowning:

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Joe Biden isn’t president. Thankfully he won’t be either because he’s incompetent.

It always does,get popcorn and enjoy waves of bs

Some people get triggered at homosexuals in their video game safe space.

Literally what are you even on about

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Velharia was talking about Joe Biden. Do you not read from your fellow cabal member?

Btw why u talk so much about us president,thought we live in eu


Mate why are you talking about Trump and Biden and crap, what has that got to do with any of this


Not your fault. The reason: people.


Mostly because a lot of Europeans have US ideologies in their mind, with their “Alt-Rights” and whatever have you.

And I know a lot of these people hate the current president, soooo… Yeah, I’ll be supporting him because it pisses these losers off.

Low key remember when someone posted in Trade that their guild was “LGBTQ+ friendly” and that basically caused a few hour long civil war.

Sorry dude, it’s a shame that people just refuse to let others be happy here.

you’re an unironic trump supporter, this is actually hilarious.
Also not that I care about US politics but…
Look at those polls honey. I know you’ll just dismiss them as “GOSH DARN LIBRUL PROPAGANDA” but hey… it’s fun to watch you flail about.

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Im centrist thats why usually not taking part in disscusions like that,would’ve been punching bag for both sides

But i still have 2h of time in bus till i will reach home so…:grinning:

So you will also ignore the fact that there is corruption in the Biden family? And how Twitter and Facebook have their back?

Yeah, no, it’s just “Gosh darn liberal propaganda”.

You are pathetic.

I’m not a Biden supporter

I literally live on the other side of the ocean.

You’re the only person in this thread to bring up US politics, something that really doesn’t impact a whole lot of us here in the EU. It’s funny that you get defensive about Trump and whatever when discussing homophobia, without any of us mentioning him. Wonder why :thinking:

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I support Baine Bloodhoof :flushed:

I never did?

Anyway, bored now, gonna go to other threads now. Have fun tickling each other, Argent Dawn Cutie-Lovers :slight_smile: