Thank you...So much

Have you been to Silverpine?

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Right on the spot! Same feeling here about the barrens.

Loking forward to meet eachother in STV! A simple skirmish turns into a group skirmish, then into a raid skirmish the into a raid to a capital city… anyone missing that? :))

Booty bay used to revere me… one day one petty squable for several hours and they started to hate me :((

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nobody likes undead, not even the horde

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What a brilliant thread. So nice to see some positive, happy people on the forums. I am loving the slow pace and gradual upgrades. Even just getting a white dagger on my Rogue is a huge upgrade. I look forward to logging in each day.


I still have my beloved Blump Family Fishing Pole on retail! :grinning:

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Yesssss, I feel it in the air dude, literally every zone I walk into, it feels powerful. Every new grey item I get feels good. Gosh damned, I’ve missed this.

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Haters gonna hate…

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Forsaken >>>>> “mUh hOnOr” alliance 2.0 troglodytes.

Yeah your right mate its got that sense of community back running past people getting buffs thrown on you really busy people everywhere love it.


Hey big old purple dome i always tried glitching in to, only to fail.

It’s been a minute old friend.

What a joy to see this thread being kept alive :slight_smile: Thank you everyone!

It just keeps getting better and better. I somehow notice so much more, and appreciate so much more this time around, than I did back then. As if all senses are alert!

Even something as simple as the run from Darnassus to Stormwind through Wetlands was so much fun to do again!

Need I say, that several players along the way actually helped me, dragged aggro off of me, to make sure I made it in one piece? I only died once.

The community on Pyrewood Village is fantastic, at least those I have fun into along the way :slight_smile:

Torzun I hear that! What was your favorite memory from the Barrens, then? I ask, because I did not play Horde, so the nostalgy for me is mostly centered around Alliance.

Jonnie Same here, I felt it needed. It´s never easy to keep a positive thread going, but together we manage it!

Scarlett Me too! I can´t wait to obtain it once more here!

Schwzenegger Haha, yes, don´t you just love that, a white item to be an upgrade. Or looting something that is worth 70c and you go through your full bags and discard an item because it was only worth 10c. :joy:

Good times!

Batun Oh yes, all those buffs! Whenever I run by someone I want to through out Mark of the Wild, only to realise, they already have it! :grinning:

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The Barrens, it has the longest quest leveling experience. from 10 to 25. Next to that it is the place find parties for low level dungeons up untill RFD. The barren chat thing comes from to many people beying ther for a long time and it gets fun because the chat is always active, even though theres alot of nonsence.

My best menory is not about the barrens its about a party we made there: me hunter, a mage and shaman. We couldnt find more ppl to do WC (this was on vanilla). We went to WC 3 hours and we finished it. I know it sound crazy and boring, but brother was one of the best exp in vanilla to do that.

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Ah yes, of course. You end up spending quite some time in The Barrens, I can see!

Oh, that is a wonderful memory. No, I can easily relate to what you describe, thank you for sharing. Perhaps you´ll three-man it again, this time around :slight_smile:

Gosh, what is happening with all the negativity and speculation in this forum section.

Oh, let us find ways to block out that noise and find joy in something we have been looking forward to for so long.

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Welcome home man

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Thank you! :slight_smile: :fireworks:

Reaching level 10, feeling as if it actually matters to level is such a joy :butterfly:

I truly hope, that the upcoming realm transfers will open up opportunities for many to be able to slow down, now they, hopefully, will not have to spend all of their game time in the queue. Fingers crossed :four_leaf_clover:

I have to agree with this. I am enjoying more details of the game.

As an example:

  • You die and have to walk to your corps. The music in the background. (Almost never died during questing in expentions after cat)

  • When you walk from orgrimar to thunderbuff. The path and cracks in the sand.

  • The lightrays when you in the building before you enter undeathcity.

There are so many details in the game that you won’t see when your flying on your epic mount doing jars. The questing feels so much more rewarding just because it sometimes feels like a freaking punishment having to walk for 1 hour to do a stupid shaman quest.

The feeling that you get when you look at your mini map and realize that you need to walk alllll the way down to get a quest. Than think to yourself… ugh… ok then. WORK WORK (orc warcraft 3 sound)

I love and hate the game at the same time and that makes the experience way better than just having everything handed on a silver plate. Satisfaction comes after hard work.


Oh, I hear all of those! You mention the light and shadow effects, is it just me, or do they appear more crisp, than they did back then? I find them absolutely gorgeous :slight_smile:

I noticed them very clearly on the boat ride from Auberdine.

Haha, now I´ll have the “Work, work” peon sound in my head every time an NPC asks me to travel across the continent, thank you! :stuck_out_tongue:

Alunaria, you pointed out many things to which I can agree wholeheartedly. Everything in this game is much more rewarding, and it actually takes time to finish it. Old pals are returning to the game we once played together, so many years ago, and now we are re - living those memories once again, and it is great.

Meeting new people and making new friends is also enjoyable, and the social aspect of this game is incomparably better than retail version, at least on Mograine server.

I hope this community will flourish and thrive and this game becomes enjoyable for everyone, once those annoying ques are finally over.

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