Thank you...So much

To set foot on the grass in Shadowglen once more…

The joy over seeing this long lost treasure of a game once more, and to witness such a loving community, that already flourishes so well.

For bringing immersion to a whole other level. For making every single Rejuvenation I cast count. Every item I pick up gets carefully evaluated.

Seeing everyone buffing each other, helping, speaking, engaging in groups together.

Being able to do the old Quests once more.
Meeting Gubber Blump again!

Enjoying the slow pace, and feeling of progress, even in the smallest of things. The joy over finding a six slot bag!

I could go on and on and on :slight_smile:

Yes the queues pains me, naturally, but it is worth the wait, at least for me.

Thank you…So much, Blizzard.

I am truly home.


Offfttt I feel exactly the same honestly!!! I love every minute I spend inside the game :smiley: I love building and progressing my character, slow and steady and savoring all of it :slight_smile: I’m crafting myself a new cloak when I get home and it’s white and basic…but it has more armor and for whatever reason - that feels so much more satisfying because i’ll have gathered the mats on my own and actually notice a tiny benefit from it too :smiley:


Same here - love it! It feels like you come back home and suddenly seeing all your old friends! :slight_smile:


Oh, yes, that too! I forgot about crafting - I haven´t been able to afford training Cooking yet, hah :laughing: Good stuff! :grinning:

I know! That is most likely my favorite part of all! Seeing friends from not only Vanilla, but also TBC, and WotlK return and band together over the hobby that once united us and brought us so many memories. Now we will forge new memories :seedling:


Its all nice and stuff IF you actually can get in game.


This tune holds so many epic memories for me. Never will I set my hearthstone to ANY other location ever again.


Indeed! I love tirisfal glades and silverpine. Truly captures the look and feel of the forsaken as a race.


Welcome back alliance scum!!! May you suffer a thousand deaths in the hand of the glorious brothers and sisters of the Horde!!!

Welcome home mate!!!


Aw, yeah. That is a fine tune, Malavon.

For me it is the old Teldrassil Music. The memories it brings :slight_smile:


It truly is amazing to live this experience. <3 You have captured it so well in your post that I have nothing else to say. Perfect.


Normally I don’t like gnomes, but Chromie is pretty alright.


I agree, best thing that’s happened in the gamingworld for many many years. Thanks to everyone that has made this possible. :blush:


Yesterday after years of playin i heard the music of mulgore and barrens while running in the grassfield. I almost cryed…
In the last 10 years ive in barrens\mulgore million times… but i never stopped to hear the music.
Yes. Thanks for this.


Thats because actually he’s a dragon and not a gnome! :wink:

But yeah i love the feeling of beeing home again, i visit the old familiar places, and i remember when i was awed when i saw it the first time, instead of awed, it brings tears to my eyes

Also, as a group we made more screenshots in classic then we did for years in retail

Our first DM as a guild, SCREENSHOT! :smiley:


I can relate - I actually find myself noticing and appreciating all the little details even more now, than I did 14 years ago. Something as simple as the sound you hear, when your feet walk across the snow in Dun Morogh :slight_smile: (After the looong, good old, Wetlands run :butterfly: )

And oh, how I cherish, that spell effects are not as flashy and “all over the place” as in Retail. Simplicity. I adore you.

Indeed, thank you to the whole community too, for making this a reality :slight_smile:


Its just epic. Feels good to be part of the true world of warcraft world.
What a time to be alive :slightly_smiling_face:
Thanks blizz.


My absolute favorite moment so far must be running into Cerellean Whiteclaw again. That cutscene on the bridge at Auberdine stands to clear to me, even on this day. I think it was one of the first times, I saw something like that happen after I started playing back then.


How can the beautiful and life giving trees be compared to the corpse / flesh rotting creatures of the undead? It’s like comparing a car crash with a bouquet of flowers :smiley:


seein the quantaty of wipes and deaths ive seen these days in classic wanna compare with the beautiful of amass of skeletons paving the low level zones?


Aw, show us the screenshot, Jizhi :smiley: