Thank you tank players!

Maybe it’s just me but I feel like good tanks don’t receive enough praises.

Just did a HoA 18 and the tank was an alt of a main 2500rio, he did some crazy pulls which enabled me to go all out and I finished the key with an overall way higher than usual, at the end he got flamed for doing pulls like that eventho without doing that we wouldn’t have timed.

So I would like to say a huge THANK YOU to all the good tank players out there and to all the other tank players still struggling to time higher keys you’ll get there eventually don’t give up!



Was he a good tank though…

What some (bad) tanks forget about big pulls is that they might take less damage due to mitigation etc but the dps still take the full brunt of it.

This puts more pressure on the healer, who could be doing some damage themselves, and good dps will move out of the way which is a dps loss, as if we would be allowed to forget!

I’ll reserve judgement.

2500 rio what do you think? He played very well and like I said we wouldn’t have timed without him playing like that.

Now if you guys could please avoid derailing the topic, it’s not about if you think some tanks are bad, thanks.

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Please stop trying to derail the topic, thank you.

yeeeee but i think that was more on group couldn’t handle the big pulls cause they never did them
people in PUG always go the easy way
in every DPS toolkit there is a deffensive spell and the way how to outplay the crazy things in game
just like healer have his toolkit and tank
the problem with PUGS is that people there are not on the same page
for example when there is a ability all players interupt at the same time
Player can be goood
but when he doesn’t know the route of the tank for example
in that moment the player skill is to react accordingly to what is happening :smiley:
in my experience the best players are those who can improvise on the RUN and outplay the game.
a lot of times in keys even if you plan the route something can happen
and that is the moment you will find out if you are just average player who wiped on the unexpected or be a good one and use the toolkit to survive

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It’s like gear score in the end means very little. Take your expample, you think the tanks so great but others in your group didn’t. I’d like to hear why they think that.

It’s not for you to decide how I reply to your post. I’m commenting on what you put in your OP. It’s relevant, whether you like it or not.

When did the forums turn into a M+ blog .

All I wanted was to spread some positivity and thank tank players, instead I got people who never timed a 20 telling me what is or isn’t a good tank and arguing, yikes.

Sure it means nothing :clown_face:

I’m out it’s not even worth it.

Using that in 2021.

Your last post about M+ was very negative actually.

Timed plenty in Legion and BFA before the achivement came out so your post is moot .

Calling people clown’s is not nice or classy .

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Depends. In a fair few cases healer damage may not be as relevant when doing bigger pulls with cd’s in mind and specs that aren’t as hit by the AoE cap.
It may even be a benefit to some healers in terms of learning to be more liberal in their defensive cd usage. If neither the tank nor healer got the defensives for it, then it’s indeed a bad choice to pull big though.

It also forces the dps to be more aware and use interrupts and hard CC to stop certain casts from going through.

I double checked this, and well, it isn’t only the sadge post at Puny’s megathread. She also rated a transmog as a clown at the transmog thread.
If the OP is reading this, it’s really not cool to act two-faced (hope it’s the proper word here). It’s all fine and dandy she had a great run, but as it is, was maybe a burst of happiness only that’d fade away in a day, not something really serious.

I did have a few tanks that weren’t all sober when doing their job, but I never flamed them. Worst case scenario they give a bit of pocket change for a repair and we get over it. If we’re having so few of these ironmen and maidens, best appreciate them. They work with a full HP bar and enough respect for their work. :woman_shrugging:

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What is your goal?! I don’t understand, you’re just here looking for conflict and start drama, yes I used a clown emote in a topic about something that made me frown today because two people played poorly, it has LITERALLY NOTHING to do with the current topic.

I’m not two-faced, what are you even talking about?

What is this community (some people on the forums I don’t mean all WoW players) seriously? What is so wrong to want to thank good players? You don’t need to overanalyze my previous posts or anything, just say “Thanks tank players” or just don’t post in the topic it’s really not that hard, I’m honestly at a loss for words seeing you guys reaction.

Congrats guys, you highjacked the topic to make yourselves look smart, I hope it was worth it.

Really hope the moderation team sees the flags for trolling.


you’re welcome

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A good tank in my opinion (not talking about myself) , is one who knows the dungeon inside and out and know exactly which Mobs gives what % Also he needs to be able to know not only when others have CDs for a big pull but Also track his own CDs. I see so Many tanks (even done IT myself), who just pulls big then they survive but Half of the group dies.

You must be really fun at parties, damn.

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From me, an additional thank you to the mediocre tanks out there as well :slight_smile: I appreciate you tanking for me even if you screw up on occasion. Makes me feel better when I do :wink:


he wasnt. aparently all idiot tanks now pull not only 4 packs in hoa but 7 packs and hide behind pillar. resoulting in ton of wipes when healers cannot keep up with dmg.

the only reason OP is happy is because healer carried them - if heal was a bit weaker key would be broken and op woudlnt be happy at all.

so the person he should be thanking is healer not tank .

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Positivity and WoW do not go well together. Even when wow players get what they want, they will be negative about it. It’s simply the nature of the beast.

My main character for 14 years has been a rogue. During Shadowlands, I have been a tank. Most often in guild Mythic + runs - less often in PUGs.
Yes, messages like “thank you tank players” encourage you to do more PUGs. Thanks for this!. However, PUGs allow many unguilded players access to instances and more content.

Being a tank is a bit like a goalkeeper’s place. The error is immediately visible on the scoreboard and the feedback can be quite discouraging.

Being a mediocre or subpar tank myself I encourage everyone to give positive feedback to teammates, healers, dps and tanks.

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Sounds like the healer deserved the biggest thanks in that group