Thanks a lot for MoS - alliance WCB

Thanks a lot Blizzard for balancing WCB to all players, melees don’t need to go through the pain of getting rend anymore !

MoS is here to stay :

(Obviously, forum posters are a vocal minority that don’t represent much more than themself, almost all of the sad people about those quality of life improvements are the one that sold WCB cap and summon for 500g)


A bug being sold as a feature.

Just like the chronoboon this is a change that never should have been introduced to classic, so much for #nochanges.


Worldbuff and dispell meta was a quirky fun relic of a bygone era that quickly got old. The main problem that boons resolved wasnt dispelling though but people not-playing-ther-characters because having to snipe buffs and save them for the weekly raid-day, thus creating a system in which raid-logging was mandatory.

it rewarded not-playing the game, which ofcourse is silly.

When it comes to MOS I just find its a great addition to an already great game.

No-changes was a good start in 2019 to make sure blizzard didnt go over-board with crazy stuff. This isnt crazy stuff. This is balanced, well-thought-out stuff.

kind regards. Myself, a player of wow since the 2004 beta.


It’s an oversight of them, wich they’re selling you as feature. You may like this one, but maybe not the next thing they mess up.
You’re not parsing anyways so why would you need the buff? Better you learn things like Thaddius → Saph, so you can maybe beat naxx without wbuffs one day.


The only balanced, well-thought-out thing to do would have been the complete removal of world buffs.


They tried that in SOM 2 years ago. It turns out that classic players dont enjoy the raids without worldbuffs and SOM died a slow agonizing death. Classic wow raids require worldbuffs in order to be fun.

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Well the problem is, naps like you can’t clear the easiest raids without wbuffs and you just assume everyone is that bad. I know a lot of people who enjoyed SOM, more than do SOD actually.
The only thing where I agree wbuffs are fun, are for parsing.

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The average era raider would never kill C’thun let alone clear Naxx if wbs got removed.

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100 % true

“25 Blood Elf Monk”

Please stay there.

Melees don’t “need” this buff. It just makes them even more broken than they already are with the other WBs…but ofc Melee-Neckbeards will want this to stay to parse in a 20 yo game.
Era is not here for QoL Changes. A “true” Classic+ would certainly be - and I wouldn’t mind that. But LEAVE ERA ALONE.

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Remove this ASAP, such a stupid thing to add in to the game at this stage.


This is the main comment in this thread and I could not agree more - Once you start making changes, where do you stop?

“Convenience” leads to retail. Hence why we got Classic in the first place. The fact we have now people cheering for changes to the game it took so long to bring back baffles me.

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A reality check. Fine by me.

If it turned out, that I am the one holding back a group of players, I’d have no problems stepping back. And cheer them if they finally made it with someone else in my place.

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the full-on no change gave us abusive fake latency debuff and leeway, it was garbage for pvp (imo).

i get the out-rage of blizzard changing stuff without warning especialy SoD spell leaking into era or unwelcomed UI change. But both faction having access to the same WB is fair and normal to me (especialy because it seems the original design was intented this way since both faction have access to ony/nefa/zg buff).

Addons already alterate the game to an insane degree and you ppl seems to be fine with it ?

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Shhhhhhh dont tell them the truth or they get mad

i love that Alliance now have the world buff!

How are you feeling now? haha



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