Thanks for making classic

Thank you for making classic. I enjoy the game and have around 50 days played. I dont have to much to complain about, so i dont know if this post fits.
Anyway, have a good week!


Spread the love ! :heart:


I love the game too and have not much to complain about. We’re a rare breed!

Hope you continue your enjoyment of the game :slight_smile:


I’m another thoroughly enjoying the game and no complaints.

I guess those of us that are having fun are busy playing rather than spending all our time whining on the forums, so it’s good to see someone take the time to say how much they are enjoying it.

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It was a great idea indeed. I never got to experience Vanilla before.

But I'm still waiting for TBC. Sorry not sorry.

everything needs criticism. if you have nothing to complain about you are likely ignorant of how the game works

You can think what you like regarding my level of ignorance, in the end, it is a game and I am having fun, if i wasn’t I wouldn’t be playing it.

Is it perfect, no it isn’t, but it is still enjoyable for me.

Blizzard said they were basing the game on the 1.12 patch notes that they had, so why complain that they didn’t base things on an earlier patch.

The internet and player base has come on a long way since Vanilla, we can’t roll the clock back and make everyone ignorant of the game, or remove all the resources, so you accept it.

We called for no changes, but players have changed, so Blizz have made changes to try and counter that. Either way it isn’t really a copy of the Vanilla game, but it is what it is, I accept that.

I don’t pvp so I have no reason to complain about the battlegrounds, anyone who complains about class balance, should have realised how it would be before they started playing.

People complain about bots ruining the economy, but there is always a way to make gold, maybe not a quick as you want, but it’s there.

In the end to me it is a game not a job and certainly not a chore, if I don’t enjoy it I won’t play

They said they would base it on 1.12 yet they implement the old mount system.

Batching does not work properly: Classic WoW Batching twice as slow as 2006

We did not call for no changes, a small vocal minority did, the people that played private servers were all accustomed to changes, as it is very needed for this outdated game.

Why should people not complain about class balance? With your logic people that play the latest retail patch should research and play PTR for a few hundred hours before they criticise the state of the game or even buy it in the first place.

You can both complain and enjoy the game.

The most legit complaints are those about the game not working as intended.
Wrong spellbatching is a big one (as a hunter this is a big deal to me)
Server queues, spells not working corectly, and so on.

But I agree that complaining about class balance makes no sense in classic (I still rage at how OP warlocks are, but I do this internally :stuck_out_tongue:)

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