Classic WoW Batching twice as slow as 2006

The main issue with WoW Classic batching being so unresponsive appears to be abilities taking two batches rather than one to be properly processed.

It’s very visible with taunts:
2006 Video of Ebonroc.
0:51, 1:01, 1:22, 1:31, 1:35, 1:47, 1:51 etc

You can clearly see that Ebonroc turns around as soon as the taunt debuff goes up.

Compare this to today’s Classic:
0:29 the taunt is clearly up for a short while before the boss actually turns to the taunter, Same thing for the taunt by the gnome a second after.

0:44 delay on Mocking Blow target switch

0:53 same thing again.

Make the batching cata-like or implement it properly.

Hazzikostas delenda est


I think batching is extremely stupid and should be removed completely. Same goes for hour long cool downs on world buffs. How ironic that a group of friends hosting private vanilla servers in a Russian basement got it right whereas the original creator, a triple A billion dollar company, managed to completely ruin the game.


batching and wbuffs cooldowns should be removed
same goes for layering if it has not been done already


Vanilla patching never effected PVE and has zero effect while attacking mobs/boss’s during farm/dungeon/raids.

Current classic patching is artificial lag which give weird over all delay and leads to glitchs & abuses.

But again! classic is not vanilla in too many aspects, only ignorants would think that classic is copy of vanilla or even similar to it, so the whole point comparing both is futile.


Wbuffs cooldown ? Who care, they are already OP enought.

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its for retailers so they can Catch up and dont get ganked to quick

it’s for benny blaanco

It only goes to show that money isn’t the issue. It’s just that the guys who made private servers were dedicated enough to invest time into it whereas Blizzard can’t be arsed cuz it’s too expensive to hire a couple of guys that want to dedicate time into classic servers.

There is some issue with taunt and threat on firemaw, ebonroc and flamegor, dunno if its batching or what though.

Bumping this, lets fix the game or at least make it run like 15 years ago, not worse.


Like I said elsewhere - be deeply ashamed blizzard.

You are making EA look good by this point.

Your president needs a forehead tattoo that goes: “basement nerds did a better job than me” so he can read that every time he looks at the mirror.


Where is that basement that all are talking ?

I agree, as a hardcore classic fan i never advocated for batching and i feel like at this point 99% of all ppl that did also would like it removed

Bump. Spellbatching is stupid indeed. Worldbuffs are going to be rare candy in near future, cant imagine people leveling alts just for the buffs. Remove CD and let ppl return ony heads multiple times cheers.

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Haha unfortunely true xD

Nothing in the videos OP provided showcases “spell batching”.

What the OP doesn’t know about WoW internals is that besides spell batching there is one other sort of a delay: the delay in broadcasting changes to every object’s fields. Fields that include stuff like health, mana, target, faction, flags, state, etc (but not auras or movement). These changes are accumulated over time and are sent out to all players who can see the object only every once in a while. But as you might’ve noticed from the words I marked with bold font, these delays are only applied to the communication between the server and the clients. On the server every object is always up to date, but clients are always a little bit “behind the time”. This is the reason why when sometimes you try to cast a spell on an enemy near death you get an error message “Targed it dead”, because on the server it’s already dead, but your client wasn’t yet informed of its health being changed to 0. The changes are still being accumulated and will be sent to you somewhere within the next second, and that’s when your client will start displaying the enemy as dead.

So here we arrive to the issues the OP attempted to display in his videos. He’s attempting to show us that the boss is slow at target switching. This is NOT the case. “Target” is part of those fields that are accumulated and broadcast every once in a while. But on the server those changes take place immediately. As soon as the Taunt aura appears on the boss, on the server he changes target immediately, but it will take a short while for the clients to be informed about that change. All the cone spells the boss will cast during this delay WILL be aimed in the direction he’s really facing on the server’s side, so you have nothing to worry about as a player.

As for spell batching, nothing in the videos can truly showcase it. Because spell batching decides how soon after casting taunt will it be applied to the target. In other words: we need to see the fight from the perspective of the tank to be able to tell how long the spell batching is, because the Taunt aura appearing on the boss in the video is already after spell batching took place, and you can’t see on the video when exactly did the tank cast Taunt, and how much time passed between casting and the aura appearing on the boss.

What can be gleamed from the video, however, is that those two independent timers (object update broadcast and spell batching) in Vanilla might’ve been synchronized. Or it was a pure coincidence that on that particular boss (map?) they just happened to take place at the same time. Or, perhaps, the aura update broadcasting in Vanilla was also delayed until object fields broadcasting was happening. More examples are needed.

spell batching is possibly one of the single worst decisions in the history of game development.

Artifically coded lag, in 2020. LOL


Ok, we all know that’s not 100% accurate.

Classic blizzard.

At this moment im unable to play with my irl friends. Because im on gehennas and the worldst largest gaming company choose to LOCK the server instead of paying for another server to host more players.

Complete clowns.

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