Thanks for making the game harder for under-geared players and players who didnt play the last patch of DF

thanks alot blizzard for making the game much more harder and annoying to play.

i mean, everyone LOVE dying and wasting time on simple low level boars.


The problem was the timing. It is clear all the RWF and M+ twitch streamers were having a blast leveling their 10-18 mirror characters or whatever, and Blizzard didnt wanna ruin their EA fun. Now the problem will only affect the non-EA non-streaming plebs, no problemo.

Leveling isnt going to become hard, in fact in retail leveling hasnt been hard since the leveling changes in the end of Legion (which had WoD leveling and some dungeons being insanely hard). The truth is the first levels were ridiculous, and Blizzard were right to do something, this something should have been done the first day of release, or even better, lets be real, this issue should never have occurred.

Genuinely bananas how Blizzard didnt catch this at all. All it would take was a single Blizzard employee transferring their own M+ char to the beta and trying to level.

Do the devs even play their own game? Doesnt seem like it.


At this point it doesn’t matter what they do, either way they are going to get backlash.

I will agree that it leaves a sour taste in my mouth that this wasn’t addressed within 24 hours but rather when most people who bought their early access got one or two characters to level 80.

It’s so out of touch I am almost losing my mind.


Waiting premium access players to tell me why this is good for us.


The question is why do you care that much about having a slightly slower leveling ?


To be honest, you had ages to get the 480 set from the pre-patch event.


im sorry i dont find joy in being a ghost half the time and keep on worrying about dying.


Bro, this content is supposed to be doable by someone who has 60-68 quest stuff. You really think you gonna struggle with a S3 gear ?

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Because they are crazy. They need to touch some grass and stop crying about every little thing every week.


Bro they are not making anything harder. Of course someone with season 4 gear should feel more powerful that someone with season 2 or 3 which is way lower. Stop crying. You had ages to do the pre patch event which gave you top gear for the expansion. It wouldve taken you 1-3 hours to get.


Wtf ? Are you insane ? What an idiotic question.

I didn’t played DF ( a bit in the beginning ) and I came back JUST for TWW and not to grind last-patch-amazing-super-power-items.

So now this change will eF me and others like me up A LOT, because well … we don’t have the OP items. Got it ?

And I care about slightly slower leveling because the ones in EA and until tomorrow with extremely powerful items had and still have a very high advantage over us. It was acceptable with the current leveling progress. But after tomorrow?

Well … gtfo!

Speaks the guy who’s already level 80 about others to touch some grass…

…aaaaaaahahahahahahaha! You guys are the worst.


it will let you to enjoy and saviour the game better :smiley:

and next time rememebr to buy early access to have fun with rest of fast levelers :stuck_out_tongue:

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This is addressing the 70-74 range where you’re so OP you could basically solo the dungeon. I don’t know about you but for me it wasn’t fun to have mobs die so fast I could barely cast one spell, if even that… It’s not getting “harder”, it’s getting not as facerolley.


Its not going to be such a drama. Relax.

In terms of being a Karen you’re already max level.

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So issue isnt harder leveling but your ego. Oh look mommy Timmy got better toys then me so i am mad.

You play game to have fun. Not to compare your pipi . If game is boring for you becouse someone have bigger numbers then you. Then you have some issues.

Leveling will still be fast.

I don’t think any body is seriously saying that. Why don’t you stop twisting everything to your agenda?

This should have been fixed in beta.


This is my Pippy. :upside_down_face:


what you dont get. that is the reward of having over-geared character.
if you are just starting out, you shouldnt get punished for it.