Thanks for Wrathion!

That’s a very interesting way of twisting logic. Surely you are not comparing homosexuality to incest and paedophilia, and surely you can understand the difference in why one might be represented in a video game without an adult rating and the other not.

Yeah, as of yet, there isn’t an agenda.
It would become an agenda if they’d drive home the fact that certain npcs or characters are gay without any precedence or story hook. And that’s what I’m talking about.

an over the top fantasy game with cartoony graphics, needs the irl world traits of diversity and sexuality… yeah, makes perfect sense.

It’s true. This is reason why Anduin’s marriage is so big deal in books.

Again, I’m not saying there needs to be any convoluted story-line about a character figuring out their sexuality, but it still wouldn’t be an ‘agenda’ to make a character gay. That’s the whole point - it doesn’t require a storyline. We didn’t question why there was no storyline explaining why Thrall is straight and got with Aggra - we wouldn’t need an explanation in the same way if another character turned out to be LGBT.

To use your twisted logic against yourself, by your own logic it wouldn’t include war and genocide either.

It’s abnornal. Period. That does not mean wrong but it’s not the norm.
That’s the whole point, they can’t control it but that doesn’t mean it’s normal. Equality isn’t about blindly avoiding differences it’s about accepting them regardless.

What I’m getting at, is you have to purposely think and make a character gay within a video game, but being straight is just following the natural flow.

Yes and guess what? Most people back then were extremely religious. And it certainly was not the norm.

You’re also crossing the entire boundary I am saying we need. You’re using RL to argue and justify in game stories.
This afterall is a child’s game, people forget that. Stating a character is gay is directly adding some form of sexual content into the story.

I don’t want sexualised women.
I don’t want sexualised men.
I just want to kill dragons.

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That really depends on the character.
Anduin coming out, WOULD require a storyline because that not only impacts him, but a kingdom. I’m not sure if WoW uses the bloodline/heir type of lineage, but since it IS a ‘medieval’ type of setting this could be a logical option. In that case it would definitely impact certain things and require a storyline (whether that be in a book or in the game).

I agree that ‘Bert the baker’ being gay wouldn’t require any storyline at all.

you keep pushing your agenda, and see what it will do to this game and it’s subscription numbers. good luck with that.

The entire premise of the game is that.

If there was a game specifically for exploring characters sexuality (ie a whole lot of visual novels out there) then it’s absolutely fine and suddenly introducing war would be weird.


In my opinion Wrathion/Anduin their relationship is most likely going to be like Aziraphale/Crowley in Good Omens.
On a level of deep connection but not sexual and when the LGBT activists started ordering Neil Gaiman to admit Aziraphale and Crowley are gay and he won’t as Angels and Demons are genderless however he accepts people shipping them its probably the similar story here.

Golden has already said they are just friends.

I’m a live and let live person why do we need to label anyone/anything with their sexual orientation.
Use your imagination .

As mentioned before though Anduin likes Dwarven women and Draenei .

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Anyway, that’ll be all for me in this thread. I can see why things like this are off limits on the forum because it really leads to some people showing their ehm… I’ll keep it moderate… close-mindedness.

Peace. :couplekiss_man_man:

Yes and do you expect a Menethil to take their husband’s name? Nooooooo.

You’re missing the point, it’s just a fact that people ARE gay - the game doesn’t have to ‘explore’ anything, nor would it be pushing any kind of agenda of LGBT characters existed.

And you can’t accuse me of using RL to argue and justify in game stories - it was you that used RL to try to justify why there SHOULDN’T be LGBT representation, and I replied to that.

This is exactly what I’m talking about - no, you don’t, and it isn’t the ‘natural flow’ - it’s as natural for someone to be LGBT. I’m not saying Anduin should or shouldn’t be written that way because I understand there are other reasons as far as story is concerned - but he’s just one character in a vast sea. It’s not that difficult to write gay characters without needing to have in-depth explorations of it and make it the focus of the game.

I don’t want it to be a focus either - but LGBT characters should exist in the world, and it isn’t promoting any agenda, it’s representing a fact of life - whether that’s modern day or medieval era.

No, it should not. Like Ixenn said;

You want homosexuality to be portrayed that badly? Do it yourself and play on a RP server.

I agree. Nobody are wihining about left handed characters in wow, without a great reason (and - for example - all orc casters are lefthanded). So, why people are so outraged about concept of not-so-much-heterosexual characters?

And Sylvanas… Ohhh… Don’t make me start with Sylvanas and her bow in LEFT hand WITHOUT A GOTHMAN REASON.

Why? 10characters

Yes people are gay.
Are the majority of people? No. Is it the norm? No. Does a fantasy game about dragons and undead need it? No.

Saying they shouldn’t inject RL issues into a video game is not the same as arguing for it by pulling on RL examples.
I never gave an RL reasons. My statement about the monarchy and medieval era was actually referring to the setting of a very popular genre used in fantasy since forever. Ie dungeons and dragons, elder scrolls, TV and films, Witcher, etc etc.

What are you even trying to say?

I play on Argent Dawn and there are plenty of people who have characters that are portrayed as homosexual. They are free to do so because on RP servers you are allowed to be whatever you want.