We don’t need forced homosexual characters in Warcraft for the sake of diversity. Besides, Anduin isn’t even gay. It’s just a fan-made meme that still hasn’t died down with Wrathion.
He finds Draenei females very attractive and it is likely that Taelia Fordragon will end up becoming his wife.
I kind of liked the old model… The new model isn’t bad, but the old one looked more unique and… I just happen to like the old model better.
We need a new cinematic with Anduin and Wrathion meeting after all this time, just to see their expression. I don’t care what the context is gonna be… JUST DO IT !!!
Everyone knows it’s going to be Anduin and Baine 
I really don’t care what anyone’s ingame sexual perference is UNLESS it’s somehow important to the story. If it serves the story, I’m fine with whatever Blizzard comes up with.
Now the problem comes when it’s put into a game just to push an agenda. There’s no need for that. I’m fine with any genders, any sexual preferences etc etc, but that doesn’t mean things like that have a need to be addressed without cause all the time. ‘that character is gay’, yeah cool… does it actually matter to the story? Is it part of it? If not, I don’t think it should be addressed because it doesn’t matter.
Do you in real life keep saying to people ‘Im gay!’ in all kinds of situations? If so, I think that’d get annoying for people really fast. If we’re going bowling, you being gay doesn’t matter. It’s fine that you’re gay, I’m all for it. But pertaining to the situation it has no place to be addressed sometimes. You’re a person. Being gay doesn’t define you. It’s just one particular aspect of you as a person.
Just my two cents. 
Sexuality isn’t ‘RL politics’. It’s not politics full stop.
And your point about ‘without having to think too much’ is exactly the problem - nobody bats an eyelid at straight characters, but as soon as there’s an LGBT character you think it’s the devs pushing something onto you. If two characters in the game were LGBT, why does that force you to think too much? Classic ‘I’m not homophobic but I don’t want to see/hear/acknowledge LGBT issues or representation’.
There’s a MASSIVE difference between ‘addressing it’ and not including it at all. Nobody is saying there needs to be a big convoluted storyline surrounding it, but not including potentially LGBT characters full stop is erasure.
That’s just insecurities rearing their ugly heads.
I’m 100% convinced that WoW’s universe contains all kinds of LGBT people. But does it matter for the story? No. So far it doesn’t. So it’s not addressed.
We haven’t seen any ingame ducks. Do I believe they’re there? Sure. Does it matter to my enjoyment of the game? Not in the slightest.
I get that if you’re a LGBT person, it might be cool to feel like you yourself are represented in WoW, but a hero fighting N’Zoth, would anyone really care what sexual preference that hero has? Does it matter?
So imo, as long as the story doesn’t involve a thread where a character’s orientation truly matters, their ‘LGBT status’ is blank. They can be anything your mind wants them to be. But do you honestly think every ingame NPC should have an extra title added where it states their preferences?
If you go to a local bakery, do you check whether or not the person selling you the bread is LGBT or not? I wouldn’t think you do, because it doesn’t matter.
They CAN be. Or maybe not. It doesn’t matter.
EDIT: And btw if Blizzard would do some storyline where Anduin comes out as gay and therefor is unable to produce a bloodline and thus heir to the throne, I think that could be a very interesting storyline. But WoW is usually not a game about such matters; usually there’s something evil, we fight it. The end.
Blizzard does big corny fantasy well. I’m not sure they’d pull this kind of storyline off.
Yes it is.
If anduin grabbed Jaina and took her right there and then, I’d bat and eyelid.
If thrall starting making out with whatever his wife is called, it’d be a bit weird.
If I had to attend the wedding of a man and a woman NPC I would find it stupid.
I simply don’t care and don’t want to know.
Nobody purposefully writes about a character being straight, but they do write about them being homosexual. How about they don’t write about it at all?
Classic “oh I don’t even see colour, the world is full of rainbows and happiness and everyone is exactly the same” clown.
If you can’t think why a monarch being gay would pose an abnormal storyline to a fantasy game based on the traditions of medieval era then I don’t know what to tell you.
I don’t care if Anduins child is adopted or naturally conceived, all I care is if he has a child. There’s no need to add in the details of how the child came to be.
Ps I love how you say sexuality isn’t politics and then bring up “LGBT representation and issues”
There’s plenty of evidence of homosexuality in the Classical and Medieval periods from which WoW draws inspiration. Persecution of homosexuality in the Medieval era was almost exclusively religious - and that’s something that isn’t part of WoW. Ergo, there’s no reason why it would be abnormal within WoW’s setting.
So how would you say it could be featured in WoW in an appropriate way?
I’m really curious.
It’s just not needed. End of. WoW should be kept as far away from wokeness as possible.
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It’s not ‘wokeness’. Homosexuality has existed since the dawn of man… Representing a fact of life in a video game is not pushing an agenda.
By including LGBT characters in the same way any other character is included, without any specific focus on the fact. There doesn’t need to be storylines involved in exploring a character sexuality - yeah, it’s a video game. That doesn’t mean there can’t just ‘be’ gay characters.
That’s closeminded though. Of course we’re using modern sensibilities and/or ethics when making games, even those set in the past or in fantasy realms.
I mean, would you really like to see an era appropriate version of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, where our adult male would start a romantic relationship with a teenage (or even younger) boy?
I agree that it’s not needed, but not because of ‘wokeness’, but simply because the story doesn’t need it. WoW just isn’t that type of game. It’s over the top corny fantasy and that’s cool.
There ARE. Have you actually walked around cities and such? 
And in books, there is strong plot about Anduin potential marriage. So he’s sexuality (most possibility bi) will be addressed.
I didn’t say there are or aren’t - I’m just discussing why it’s okay that there are, and replying to those people who think that the inclusion of such things is pushing an ‘agenda’ onto people.
pedophilia and incest has also been around for ages, so concerning your logic it should be added in wow as well.
look at overwatch on what a mess of wokeness that turned out to be. let’s just grab the entire line of blizz games for the sake of diversity, let’s see how well that will turn out.
Anduin isn’t bi either though? There isn’t anything in-game or in the books that indicates this. He’s attracted to women. In Before the Storm Genn frequently brings up that he must create an heir but Anduin doesn’t want an arranged marriage.
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