Thanx for Black Lotus Hotfix, How about Arcane Crystals!

Arcane crystals from instances are nerfed. No, there’s no blue post on this.

Thankfully most sane ppl can see the difference between the Black Lotus situation and attunements in Vanilla or TBC.

I mean, ppl cried about LOTS of things in Classic. A few ones were listened to, most have just been straight up ignored. And for good reason.

Here we go… How about they work on the BOTS!

No, we are not facing the same issues with the Arcane Crystals, so no we can’t apply the same logic here. If you think about it for a while i’ll bet you would figure it out. I’m gonna save you the time and tell you the difference. A black lotus (before the change) could only spawn in a limited amount. You couldn’t grind more to get more. There were a limit of how many each server could get per day. That’s not the case for Arcane crystals. You can farm DME 5 times / hour. Let’s say you play 16 hours a day and manage to reach the cap every hour, it’s 80 runs / day. You get a crystal (on avrage) every 4.4 run. That’s a total of 18 crystal per day, for each player. The lotuses were limited to 128>76,8 / day. It was not possible to reach a higher amount for the server. The increased server population don’t affect the supply for crystal, as it did with black lotus.

An increased server population also increases the demand. The supply was not adjusted for the increased demand when it came to black lotus. For arcane crystal the increase in demand (due to higher population) gets adjusted by the increase in supply.

Sure, but that wasn’t the only reason.
The supply just didn’t come anywhere close to meeting the demand on full servers.
It was so bad that the lotus price literally doubled when the realms were locked, in spite of the addition of layers (which doubled the lotus supply).
Why was that?
Because the bulk of our lotuses came from other servers.
How nuts is that?

I’m not saying hoarders weren’t part of the problem. For sure they were. But the core of the issue was the inappropriately small supply.
With 2 layers, assuming 1 spawn immediately picked every hour, in every zone, you’d get 1008 lotuses per week.
Pair that up against the the >10,000 weekly raiders and you’ve got a crazy narrow bottleneck. Even if you assume you only need to flask once every 10 weeks on average, there are still lotuses disappearing into ZG Madness summoning and soon T0.5.

It just wasn’t enough. It wasn’t even close to being enough. Regardless of the hoarding.

Sometimes you have good posts

I’m not 100% sure. Considering how many Lotus hit the market as soon as news of the incoming fix came out, I can’t help but wonder if the price of Lotus would have been that high without all these ppl withholding their Lotus in their stashes.

Not everyone flasks. Most warriors, rogues, hunters don’t flask. Most healers don’t flask either, since fights are so fast that you can just get by with a few potions and runes. Literally the only classes that flask with any regularity, outside truly hardcore guilds, are mages and warlocks. Which make up for less than half of most raiding guilds. Had all the gathered Lotus actually hit the market as intended, prices would’ve been high for sure, but nowhere as huge as they were before the hotfix.

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